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Connecticut No Fuel Used Heating House Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2005-2009 data*

A total of 40 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankNo Fuel Used Heating House Percentage ▼City / Population
1.3.9%Lake Pocotopaug, CT / 3,405
2.2.5%Deep River Center, CT / 2,545
3.2.3%Madison Center, CT / 2,488
4.2.0%Mystic, CT / 3,969
5.1.5%Westbrook Center, CT / 2,172
6.1.4%Portland, CT / 6,404
7.1.3%Woodbury Center, CT / 1,442
8.1.3%Noank, CT / 1,928
9.0.8%Thompsonville, CT / 8,570
10.0.6%Stafford Springs, CT / 4,851
11.0.5%Kensington, CT / 8,539
12.0.5%Ansonia, CT / 18,530
12.0.5%Winsted, CT / 6,756
12.0.5%Shelton, CT / 39,669
15.0.4%New Haven, CT / 123,628
16.0.4%Rockville, CT / 8,268
17.0.4%Meriden, CT / 59,078
18.0.4%Stratford, CT / 48,930
19.0.3%West Haven, CT / 52,727
20.0.3%Groton, CT / 9,388
20.0.3%Hartford, CT / 123,925
22.0.3%Waterbury, CT / 106,909
23.0.3%Middletown, CT / 47,702
24.0.2%East Hartford, CT / 48,627
24.0.2%Willimantic, CT / 16,399
26.0.2%Stamford, CT / 118,787
27.0.2%Bridgeport, CT / 136,715
28.0.2%Torrington, CT / 35,495
29.0.2%Norwich, CT / 36,596
30.0.2%West Hartford, CT / 60,573
31.0.1%Bristol, CT / 60,869
31.0.1%East Haven, CT / 28,539
31.0.1%Wallingford Center, CT / 17,840
34.0.1%Norwalk, CT / 83,219
35.0.1%Milford, CT / 53,401
36.0.1%Danbury, CT / 78,708
37.0.1%Wethersfield, CT / 25,788
38.0.1%New Britain, CT / 70,548
38.0.1%Naugatuck, CT / 31,827
40.0.0%New London, CT / 26,123

Please note that we only rank locations with 'No Fuel Used Heating House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'No Fuel Used Heating House Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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