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USA.com / Ranks / California Total Population County Rank / Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

California Total Population County Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 58 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankTotal Population ▼County / Population
1.9,974,203Los Angeles, CA / 9,974,203
2.3,183,143San Diego, CA / 3,183,143
3.3,086,331Orange, CA / 3,086,331
4.2,266,899Riverside, CA / 2,266,899
5.2,078,586San Bernardino, CA / 2,078,586
6.1,841,569Santa Clara, CA / 1,841,569
7.1,559,308Alameda, CA / 1,559,308
8.1,450,277Sacramento, CA / 1,450,277
9.1,081,232Contra Costa, CA / 1,081,232
10.948,844Fresno, CA / 948,844
11.857,730Kern, CA / 857,730
12.835,790Ventura, CA / 835,790
13.829,072San Francisco, CA / 829,072
14.739,837San Mateo, CA / 739,837
15.701,050San Joaquin, CA / 701,050
16.522,794Stanislaus, CA / 522,794
17.491,790Sonoma, CA / 491,790
18.451,108Tulare, CA / 451,108
19.431,555Santa Barbara, CA / 431,555
20.424,927Monterey, CA / 424,927
21.421,624Solano, CA / 421,624
22.361,518Placer, CA / 361,518
23.274,184San Luis Obispo, CA / 274,184
24.267,203Santa Cruz, CA / 267,203
25.261,609Merced, CA / 261,609
26.256,802Marin, CA / 256,802
27.221,578Butte, CA / 221,578
28.204,162Yolo, CA / 204,162
29.181,465El Dorado, CA / 181,465
30.178,520Shasta, CA / 178,520
31.177,026Imperial, CA / 177,026
32.152,452Madera, CA / 152,452
33.151,390Kings, CA / 151,390
34.139,253Napa, CA / 139,253
35.134,876Humboldt, CA / 134,876
36.98,606Nevada, CA / 98,606
37.95,067Sutter, CA / 95,067
38.87,612Mendocino, CA / 87,612
39.73,059Yuba, CA / 73,059
40.64,209Lake, CA / 64,209
41.63,284Tehama, CA / 63,284
42.56,888San Benito, CA / 56,888
43.54,347Tuolumne, CA / 54,347
44.44,921Calaveras, CA / 44,921
45.44,261Siskiyou, CA / 44,261
46.37,159Amador, CA / 37,159
47.33,356Lassen, CA / 33,356
48.28,066Del Norte, CA / 28,066
49.28,019Glenn, CA / 28,019
50.21,424Colusa, CA / 21,424
51.19,286Plumas, CA / 19,286
52.18,439Inyo, CA / 18,439
53.17,946Mariposa, CA / 17,946
54.14,193Mono, CA / 14,193
55.13,515Trinity, CA / 13,515
56.9,335Modoc, CA / 9,335
57.3,019Sierra, CA / 3,019
58.1,202Alpine, CA / 1,202

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Total Population' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Total Population' data are not listed.

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