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Least Educated Cities Near Franklin County School District

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Franklin County School District

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 93 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲City / Population
1.9.82Viola, TN / 168
2.10.49Powell, AL / 1,795
3.10.52Palmer, TN / 709
4.10.55Paint Rock, AL / 212
5.10.56Gruetli Laager, TN / 1,827
6.10.56Beersheba Springs, TN / 658
7.10.80Altamont, TN / 1,160
8.11.02Skyline, AL / 970
9.11.05Hytop, AL / 393
10.11.06Petersburg, TN / 642
11.11.13Orme, TN / 109
12.11.19Coalmont, TN / 953
13.11.30Shelbyville, TN / 19,769
14.11.33Whitwell, TN / 1,561
15.11.46Centertown, TN / 230
16.11.52Hollywood, AL / 1,059
17.11.54Tracy City, TN / 1,581
18.11.59Stevenson, AL / 2,637
19.11.68Ardmore, TN / 1,243
20.11.75Mcminnville, TN / 13,473
21.11.79Rossville, GA / 4,038
22.11.80Monteagle, TN / 1,614
23.11.81Decherd, TN / 2,300
24.11.81Lewisburg, TN / 10,953
25.11.82Woodville, AL / 866
26.11.82Lone Oak, TN / 1,618
27.11.85Section, AL / 905
28.11.91Pleasant Groves, AL / 390
29.11.91New Hope, TN / 874
30.11.93Ider, AL / 869
31.11.96Bridgeport, AL / 2,344
32.11.97Huntland, TN / 890
33.12.00Lakewood Park, TN / 655
34.12.00Morrison, TN / 541
35.12.01Gurley, AL / 855
36.12.03South Pittsburg, TN / 3,047
37.12.09Pelham, TN / 374
38.12.11Kimball, TN / 1,363
39.12.14Henagar, AL / 2,511
40.12.22New Hope, AL / 2,755
41.12.22Fairview, GA / 5,944
42.12.23Cornersville, TN / 964
43.12.24Cowan, TN / 1,449
44.12.27Fayetteville, TN / 6,842
45.12.28Chattanooga Valley, GA / 4,094
46.12.28Powells Crossroads, TN / 1,204
47.12.28Wartrace, TN / 516
48.12.31Woodbury, TN / 2,647
49.12.31Dunlap, TN / 4,843
50.12.35Lynchburg, Moore County Metropolitan Government, TN / 6,266
51.12.35Trenton, GA / 2,065
52.12.36Winchester, TN / 8,430
53.12.37Unionville, TN / 1,016
54.12.38Owens Cross Roads, AL / 1,422
55.12.43Flintville, TN / 378
56.12.45Ardmore, AL / 1,167
57.12.46Park City, TN / 2,292
58.12.47Sylvania, AL / 1,339
59.12.53Normandy, TN / 155
60.12.53New Market, AL / 1,850
61.12.54Manchester, TN / 9,899
62.12.56Pisgah, AL / 775
63.12.57Dutton, AL / 245
64.12.59Grant, AL / 883
65.12.59Langston, AL / 339
66.12.64Chapel Hill, TN / 1,248
67.12.82Scottsboro, AL / 14,795
68.12.85Mowbray Mountain, TN / 1,440
69.12.97Elkton, TN / 561
70.12.98Estill Springs, TN / 1,991
71.13.05Hillsboro, TN / 293
72.13.08New Union, TN / 1,268
73.13.08Hazel Green, AL / 3,696
74.13.09Eagleville, TN / 460
75.13.09Chattanooga, TN / 164,481
76.13.15Red Bank, TN / 11,661
77.13.20Jasper, TN / 3,268
78.13.25Tullahoma, TN / 18,561
79.13.32Falling Water, TN / 1,106
80.13.51Bell Buckle, TN / 398
81.13.58Meridianville, AL / 5,893
82.13.71Moores Mill, AL / 5,207
83.13.86Redstone Arsenal, AL / 2,372
84.13.88Murfreesboro, TN / 102,602
85.13.96Huntsville, AL / 175,416
86.14.08Harvest, AL / 4,415
87.15.07Fairmount, TN / 2,604
88.15.13Walden, TN / 2,028
89.15.64Signal Mountain, TN / 7,481
90.15.79Ridgeside, TN / 411
91.16.11Lookout Mountain, GA / 1,844
92.16.22Sewanee, TN / 2,242
93.16.55Lookout Mountain, TN / 1,894

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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