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Most Educated Cities Near Round Lake, MN

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Round Lake, MN

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 121 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.15.07Okoboji, IA / 676
2.14.72Orleans, IA / 708
3.14.51Wahpeton, IA / 449
4.14.30Orange City, IA / 5,967
5.14.21West Okoboji, IA / 447
6.13.89Fish Lake, MN / 36
7.13.83The Lakes, MN / 584
8.13.76Peterson, IA / 375
9.13.65Fostoria, IA / 86
10.13.54Steen, MN / 165
11.13.48Dovray, MN / 54
12.13.47Milford, IA / 2,844
13.13.41Graettinger, IA / 1,027
14.13.40Spirit Lake, IA / 4,749
15.13.38Arnolds Park, IA / 933
16.13.37Webb, IA / 207
17.13.37Sioux Center, IA / 6,916
18.13.35Jackson, MN / 3,320
19.13.35Lake Park, IA / 1,115
20.13.31Trosky, MN / 95
21.13.26Wallingford, IA / 250
22.13.25Sheldon, IA / 5,046
23.13.23Alton, IA / 1,077
24.13.17Terril, IA / 362
25.13.16Spencer, IA / 11,193
26.13.15Hull, IA / 1,955
27.13.11Sherburn, MN / 950
28.13.08Luverne, MN / 4,666
29.13.04Paullina, IA / 1,081
30.13.02Wilmont, MN / 264
31.13.01Lester, IA / 270
32.12.99Superior, IA / 168
33.12.96Everly, IA / 632
34.12.96Hadley, MN / 74
35.12.96Hospers, IA / 740
36.12.95Estherville, IA / 6,388
37.12.94Lakefield, MN / 1,759
38.12.93Heron Lake, MN / 634
39.12.88Rock Rapids, IA / 2,537
40.12.88Primghar, IA / 982
41.12.87Emmetsburg, IA / 3,898
42.12.87Comfrey, MN / 457
43.12.86Sutherland, IA / 619
44.12.86Hartley, IA / 1,796
45.12.85Kenneth, MN / 69
46.12.84Alvord, IA / 160
47.12.83Sibley, IA / 2,804
48.12.83Hardwick, MN / 177
49.12.82Lismore, MN / 224
50.12.81Brewster, MN / 530
51.12.78Storden, MN / 236
52.12.76Lake Wilson, MN / 259
53.12.75Linn Grove, IA / 154
54.12.74Trimont, MN / 674
55.12.74Round Lake, MN / 369
56.12.73Windom, MN / 4,598
57.12.73Magnolia, MN / 194
58.12.73Rock Valley, IA / 3,274
59.12.70Sanborn, MN / 360
60.12.67Archer, IA / 84
60.12.67Larrabee, IA / 94
60.12.67Slayton, MN / 2,191
60.12.67Revere, MN / 55
60.12.67Gruver, IA / 73
65.12.66Royal, IA / 601
66.12.66Edgerton, MN / 1,185
67.12.61Ellsworth, MN / 476
68.12.61Adrian, MN / 1,091
69.12.57Ocheyedan, IA / 376
70.12.56Mountain Lake, MN / 2,006
71.12.55Rushmore, MN / 273
72.12.52Westbrook, MN / 703
73.12.51Sanborn, IA / 1,302
74.12.50Currie, MN / 215
75.12.50Garvin, MN / 171
76.12.50Jeffers, MN / 448
77.12.49Sioux Rapids, IA / 812
78.12.48Fulda, MN / 1,439
79.12.48Hills, MN / 680
80.12.45Dunnell, MN / 156
81.12.45Woodstock, MN / 132
82.12.45Bingham Lake, MN / 149
83.12.39Boyden, IA / 729
84.12.38Hatfield, MN / 48
85.12.38Beaver Creek, MN / 262
86.12.36Ruthven, IA / 790
87.12.35Walnut Grove, MN / 803
88.12.34Okabena, MN / 197
89.12.32Darfur, MN / 64
90.12.32Iona, MN / 163
91.12.31Melvin, IA / 202
92.12.30Dickens, IA / 224
93.12.29Calumet, IA / 244
94.12.28Worthington, MN / 12,357
95.12.27Ormsby, MN / 155
96.12.27Ceylon, MN / 407
97.12.25Chandler, MN / 225
98.12.23Tracy, MN / 2,285
99.12.22Harris, IA / 182
100.12.20Dolliver, IA / 98
101.12.17Avoca, MN / 150
102.12.17Little Rock, IA / 416
103.12.16Granville, IA / 420
104.12.16Bigelow, MN / 238
105.12.10Doon, IA / 483
106.12.09Greenville, IA / 80
107.12.08George, IA / 1,293
108.12.05Welcome, MN / 810
109.12.00Ayrshire, IA / 140
109.12.00Odin, MN / 89
111.11.99Lamberton, MN / 947
112.11.94Alpha, MN / 105
113.11.92Gillett Grove, IA / 44
114.11.92Wilder, MN / 87
115.11.88Ashton, IA / 397
116.11.86Dundee, MN / 69
117.11.66Rossie, IA / 79
118.11.53Matlock, IA / 49
119.11.30Leota, MN / 111
120.11.19Butterfield, MN / 555
121.10.86Kinbrae, MN / 14

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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