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Most Educated Cities Near Ottertail, MN

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Ottertail, MN

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 72 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.14.65Norcross, MN / 42
2.14.00Tenney, MN / 4
3.13.76Osage, MN / 307
4.13.66Detroit Lakes, MN / 8,472
5.13.59Forada, MN / 174
6.13.58Barnesville, MN / 2,467
7.13.56Millerville, MN / 142
8.13.47Ottertail, MN / 541
9.13.36Alexandria, MN / 11,094
10.13.36Wadena, MN / 4,182
11.13.35Barrett, MN / 268
12.13.23Fergus Falls, MN / 13,353
13.13.21Dalton, MN / 318
14.13.07Lowry, MN / 314
15.13.06Battle Lake, MN / 844
16.13.04Hawley, MN / 1,813
17.13.03Osakis, MN / 1,704
18.13.01Eagle Bend, MN / 480
19.13.00Kensington, MN / 406
20.12.98Park Rapids, MN / 3,757
21.12.96Menahga, MN / 1,132
22.12.93Dent, MN / 181
23.12.91Underwood, MN / 408
24.12.90Vergas, MN / 310
25.12.90Bertha, MN / 552
26.12.88Sebeka, MN / 666
27.12.88Tintah, MN / 51
28.12.86Browerville, MN / 685
29.12.86Staples, MN / 3,469
30.12.84Elbow Lake, MN / 1,413
31.12.80West Union, MN / 82
32.12.77Campbell, MN / 221
33.12.77Audubon, MN / 509
34.12.76Urbank, MN / 51
35.12.74Garfield, MN / 268
36.12.74Lake Park, MN / 795
37.12.72Brandon, MN / 450
38.12.72Nimrod, MN / 91
39.12.69Frazee, MN / 1,364
40.12.68Parkers Prairie, MN / 953
41.12.67Callaway, MN / 249
42.12.65Verndale, MN / 414
43.12.64Ashby, MN / 485
44.12.64Nelson, MN / 184
45.12.59Perham, MN / 2,951
46.12.53Vining, MN / 58
47.12.53Clarissa, MN / 571
48.12.52Hewitt, MN / 272
49.12.49Ogema, MN / 166
50.12.49Bluffton, MN / 166
51.12.47Nashua, MN / 97
52.12.44Clitherall, MN / 91
53.12.40Erhard, MN / 121
54.12.40Farwell, MN / 59
55.12.39Evansville, MN / 672
56.12.32New York Mills, MN / 1,378
57.12.31Long Prairie, MN / 3,417
58.12.25Miltona, MN / 464
59.12.20Hoffman, MN / 594
60.12.19Foxhome, MN / 105
61.12.18Rothsay, MN / 476
62.12.17Richville, MN / 55
63.11.97Aldrich, MN / 48
64.11.95Elizabeth, MN / 179
65.11.95Pelican Rapids, MN / 2,684
66.11.88Carlos, MN / 420
67.11.86Wendell, MN / 154
68.11.86Pine Point, MN / 251
69.11.85Henning, MN / 1,087
70.11.80Deer Creek, MN / 277
71.11.60Wolf Lake, MN / 36
72.11.43White Earth, MN / 474

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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