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Most Educated Cities Near Oakhurst, OK

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Oakhurst, OK

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 119 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.16.00Lotsee, OK / 5
2.14.64Westport, OK / 276
3.14.53Jenks, OK / 15,446
4.14.19Bixby, OK / 19,419
5.14.02Limestone, OK / 559
6.14.00Shady Grove town, OK / 2
7.13.95Broken Arrow, OK / 94,755
8.13.89Owasso, OK / 26,905
9.13.75Mazie, OK / 40
10.13.68Sams Corner, OK / 187
11.13.65Fair Oaks, OK / 56
12.13.54Bartlesville, OK / 35,391
13.13.53Tulsa, OK / 388,247
14.13.39Verdigris, OK / 3,811
15.13.36Sand Springs, OK / 18,455
16.13.35Glenpool, OK / 10,319
17.13.30Pawnee, OK / 2,373
18.13.26Justice, OK / 1,459
19.13.20Collinsville, OK / 5,516
20.13.17Catoosa, OK / 6,802
21.13.16Stroud, OK / 2,705
22.13.13Winchester, OK / 656
23.13.12Claremore, OK / 18,416
24.13.12Castle, OK / 79
25.13.09Ochelata, OK / 306
26.13.08Gregory, OK / 362
27.13.06New Alluwe, OK / 120
28.12.98Oologah, OK / 1,094
29.12.97Wagoner, OK / 8,266
30.12.93Liberty town, OK / 141
31.12.90Muskogee, OK / 39,052
32.12.85Sapulpa, OK / 20,434
33.12.82Pawhuska, OK / 3,630
34.12.75Fort Gibson, OK / 4,097
35.12.73Skiatook, OK / 7,407
36.12.72Cleveland, OK / 3,282
37.12.70Adair, OK / 755
38.12.68Mannford, OK / 3,071
39.12.67Tiawah, OK / 174
40.12.66Chouteau, OK / 2,268
41.12.63Barnsdall, OK / 1,348
42.12.62Grayson, OK / 165
43.12.61Pryor Creek, OK / 9,433
44.12.61Kiefer, OK / 1,379
45.12.60Okmulgee, OK / 12,302
46.12.60Cedar Crest, OK / 364
47.12.58Sequoyah, OK / 656
48.12.58Inola, OK / 1,914
49.12.57Terlton, OK / 68
50.12.56Bristow, OK / 4,218
51.12.54Dewey, OK / 3,411
52.12.52Mounds, OK / 1,468
53.12.49Coweta, OK / 9,524
54.12.48Tullahassee, OK / 55
55.12.47Pin Oak Acres, OK / 401
56.12.43Talala, OK / 293
57.12.43Morris, OK / 1,151
58.12.42Avant, OK / 241
59.12.37Boynton, OK / 180
60.12.37Redbird, OK / 144
61.12.36Dewar, OK / 1,028
62.12.36Chelsea, OK / 1,886
63.12.30Cushing, OK / 7,767
64.12.28Oakhurst, OK / 2,452
65.12.20Henryetta, OK / 5,966
66.12.19Lawrence Creek, OK / 88
67.12.19Fairfax, OK / 1,710
68.12.18Hominy, OK / 3,644
69.12.15Nowata, OK / 3,819
70.12.13Hallett, OK / 129
71.12.10Taft, OK / 274
72.12.10Haskell, OK / 1,885
73.12.06Agra, OK / 487
74.12.05Drumright, OK / 3,061
75.12.04Wynona, OK / 357
76.12.03Bushyhead, OK / 1,381
77.12.01Depew, OK / 500
78.12.00Oak Grove, OK / 16
78.12.00Murphy, OK / 35
80.11.99Paden, OK / 637
81.11.97Glencoe, OK / 584
82.11.96Sportsmen Acres, OK / 363
83.11.96Ripley, OK / 516
84.11.95Yale, OK / 1,238
85.11.95Okemah, OK / 3,167
86.11.93Maramec, OK / 110
87.11.93Slick, OK / 167
88.11.86Blackburn, OK / 48
89.11.85Summit, OK / 127
90.11.84Kellyville, OK / 1,386
91.11.83Schulter, OK / 573
92.11.80Oilton, OK / 1,035
93.11.80Foyil, OK / 386
94.11.78Sperry, OK / 1,136
95.11.70Rentiesville, OK / 85
96.11.69Prue, OK / 400
97.11.68Jennings, OK / 354
98.11.62Davenport, OK / 852
99.11.60Vera, OK / 240
100.11.60Hoffman, OK / 146
101.11.59Oktaha, OK / 445
102.11.56Wainwright, OK / 146
103.11.56Kendrick, OK / 193
104.11.56Council Hill, OK / 176
104.11.56Clearview, OK / 9
106.11.54Ixl, OK / 117
107.11.53Ralston, OK / 293
108.11.52Ramona, OK / 504
109.11.52Osage, OK / 119
110.11.48Beggs, OK / 1,379
111.11.46Porter, OK / 473
112.11.44Boley, OK / 1,163
113.11.41Turley, OK / 2,976
114.11.26Skedee, OK / 60
115.11.19Okay, OK / 633
116.11.17Valley Park, OK / 49
117.11.15Ballou, OK / 52
118.10.83Hitchita, OK / 188
119.9.43Shamrock, OK / 81

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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