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Most Educated Cities Near Huntersville, NC

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Huntersville, NC

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 153 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.15.68Davidson, NC / 10,320
2.15.60Marvin, NC / 4,889
3.15.57Bermuda Run, NC / 1,667
4.15.50Cedar Rock, NC / 285
5.15.23Westport, NC / 3,306
6.15.15Tega Cay, SC / 7,014
7.15.12Weddington, NC / 9,207
8.14.96Lake Wylie, SC / 8,362
9.14.89Cornelius, NC / 22,970
10.14.74Huntersville, NC / 43,106
11.14.70Matthews, NC / 26,556
12.14.63Hillsdale, NC / 550
13.14.61Northlakes, NC / 1,744
14.14.54Misenheimer, NC / 920
15.14.52Harrisburg, NC / 10,328
16.14.52Advance, NC / 1,148
17.14.48Waxhaw, NC / 8,754
18.14.40Boiling Springs, NC / 4,497
19.14.28Jaars, NC / 489
20.14.24Lake Park, NC / 3,243
21.14.23Wesley Chapel, NC / 6,702
22.14.22Stallings, NC / 12,682
23.14.21Newport, SC / 3,918
24.14.10India Hook, SC / 3,417
25.13.99Charlotte, NC / 705,896
26.13.86Indian Trail, NC / 30,362
27.13.86Lowesville, NC / 2,630
28.13.86Mint Hill, NC / 21,940
29.13.85Fort Mill, SC / 10,273
30.13.77Belmont, NC / 9,829
31.13.77Bethlehem, NC / 4,249
32.13.76Cramerton, NC / 3,945
33.13.70Mcconnells, SC / 287
34.13.62Lake Norman Of Catawba, NC / 6,931
35.13.54Mooresville, NC / 30,582
36.13.35Rock Hill, SC / 63,108
37.13.35Claremont, NC / 1,385
38.13.35Mount Holly, NC / 12,914
39.13.33Hickory, NC / 39,932
40.13.32Richfield, NC / 464
41.13.30Mount Pleasant, NC / 1,727
42.13.28Mountain View, NC / 3,489
43.13.26Granite Quarry, NC / 2,787
44.13.25Concord, NC / 75,172
45.13.24Mineral Springs, NC / 2,553
46.13.19Fairview town, NC / 3,323
47.13.16Aquadale, NC / 490
48.13.14Pineville, NC / 7,251
49.13.08Conover, NC / 7,928
50.13.06Lattimore, NC / 249
51.13.04Rutherford College, NC / 1,184
52.13.01Stanfield, NC / 1,573
53.13.00Lowrys, SC / 182
54.13.00Lesslie, SC / 3,050
55.12.98Shelby, NC / 20,417
56.12.97Mocksville, NC / 4,952
57.12.96Salisbury, NC / 33,018
58.12.92Statesville, NC / 24,619
59.12.90Drexel, NC / 1,907
60.12.90Dallas, NC / 4,352
61.12.89Faith, NC / 905
62.12.88Gastonia, NC / 70,709
63.12.87Valdese, NC / 4,534
64.12.86Mcadenville, NC / 508
65.12.80Hemby Bridge, NC / 1,570
66.12.76Rockwell, NC / 1,716
67.12.74Troutman, NC / 2,392
68.12.71Locust, NC / 2,959
69.12.68Unionville, NC / 5,853
70.12.67Catawba, NC / 544
71.12.66Welcome, NC / 4,484
72.12.66Oakboro, NC / 1,912
73.12.62Ranlo, NC / 3,221
74.12.62Granite Falls, NC / 4,721
75.12.61Wingate, NC / 3,398
76.12.60Kings Mountain, NC / 10,631
77.12.60Albemarle, NC / 15,912
78.12.58Midland, NC / 2,978
79.12.58Denver, NC / 1,923
80.12.55Lancaster, SC / 8,283
81.12.54China Grove, NC / 3,586
82.12.54New London, NC / 621
83.12.50Lincolnton, NC / 10,440
84.12.49Kannapolis, NC / 41,663
85.12.48Earl, NC / 232
86.12.48Fallston, NC / 786
87.12.47Spencer, NC / 3,288
88.12.42Landis, NC / 3,104
89.12.42Saint Stephens, NC / 9,344
90.12.40Hudson, NC / 3,664
91.12.40Riverview, SC / 386
92.12.39Cleveland, NC / 649
93.12.37Red Cross, NC / 740
94.12.37Monroe, NC / 32,297
95.12.36East Spencer, NC / 1,717
96.12.36Ansonville, NC / 596
97.12.35Cherryville, NC / 5,697
98.12.34Newton, NC / 12,967
99.12.30Denton, NC / 1,661
100.12.29Norwood, NC / 2,122
101.12.29Catawba, SC / 1,719
102.12.28Maiden, NC / 3,325
103.12.27Southmont, NC / 1,330
104.12.27Hickory Grove, SC / 397
105.12.26Grover, NC / 713
106.12.26Clover, SC / 4,916
107.12.21Kingstown, NC / 823
108.12.20Gaffney, SC / 12,492
109.12.18Enochville, NC / 2,579
110.12.11Iron Station, NC / 992
111.12.10Richburg, SC / 360
112.12.10Belwood, NC / 1,352
113.12.08Sawmills, NC / 5,193
114.12.07Stanley, NC / 3,470
115.12.05Waco, NC / 257
116.12.04Polkville, NC / 672
117.12.03Longview, NC / 4,772
118.12.01Patterson Springs, NC / 554
119.12.00Stony Point, NC / 1,441
120.12.00York, SC / 7,613
121.11.99Mooresboro, NC / 354
122.11.96Taylorsville, NC / 1,902
123.11.95Hiddenite, NC / 604
124.11.95Lowell, NC / 3,368
125.11.94Fort Lawn, SC / 906
126.11.92Bessemer City, NC / 5,333
127.11.92Cajahs Mountain, NC / 2,790
128.11.92Sharon, SC / 506
129.11.91Tyro, NC / 3,925
130.11.89Badin, NC / 1,774
131.11.88Lexington, NC / 19,155
132.11.71Harmony, NC / 573
133.11.68Peachland, NC / 503
134.11.68Cooleemee, NC / 787
135.11.68High Shoals, NC / 539
136.11.67Connelly Springs, NC / 1,589
137.11.65Irwin, SC / 1,937
138.11.60Love Valley, NC / 19
139.11.59Blacksburg, SC / 2,007
140.11.57Lawndale, NC / 696
141.11.57Icard, NC / 2,716
142.11.38Marshville, NC / 2,391
143.11.33Hildebran, NC / 1,378
144.11.32Light Oak, NC / 1,557
145.11.26Smyrna, SC / 46
146.11.17Casar, NC / 364
147.11.14Millingport, NC / 966
148.11.10Springdale, SC / 2,365
149.11.01Rhodhiss, NC / 1,272
150.11.01East Gaffney, SC / 2,784
151.10.77Polkton, NC / 3,270
152.10.74Brookford, NC / 617
153.9.33Spencer Mountain, NC / 21

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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