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Most Educated Cities Near Frederick, OK

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Frederick, OK

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 53 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.14.16Friendship, OK / 44
2.14.15Loveland, OK / 32
3.14.13Lakeside City, TX / 967
4.13.49Cache, OK / 2,653
5.13.34Cashion Community, TX / 422
6.13.34Chattanooga, OK / 248
7.13.16Elgin, OK / 1,987
8.13.15Lawton, OK / 94,217
9.13.09Medicine Park, OK / 290
10.13.04Burkburnett, TX / 10,786
11.13.02Mountain Park, OK / 369
12.12.99Petrolia, TX / 812
13.12.94Jolly, TX / 284
14.12.91Altus, OK / 19,784
15.12.91Wichita Falls, TX / 104,066
16.12.90Pleasant Valley, TX / 298
17.12.88Geronimo, OK / 1,506
18.12.83Dean, TX / 533
19.12.81Walters, OK / 2,555
20.12.80Lone Wolf, OK / 339
21.12.73Hobart, OK / 3,785
22.12.72East Duke, OK / 433
23.12.70Holliday, TX / 1,675
24.12.69Blair, OK / 800
25.12.68Gould, OK / 119
26.12.58Iowa Park, TX / 6,345
27.12.55Olustee, OK / 378
28.12.55Devol, OK / 203
29.12.44Manitou, OK / 221
30.12.40Quanah, TX / 2,935
31.12.33Randlett, OK / 444
32.12.24Faxon, OK / 237
33.12.22Byers, TX / 476
34.12.17Crowell, TX / 1,042
35.12.14Vernon, TX / 11,037
36.12.12Mangum, OK / 2,958
37.12.07Chillicothe, TX / 763
38.11.94Snyder, OK / 1,783
39.11.93Davidson, OK / 238
40.11.90Temple, OK / 1,179
41.11.87Grandfield, OK / 1,357
42.11.86Frederick, OK / 4,035
43.11.83Indiahoma, OK / 314
44.11.83Headrick, OK / 93
45.11.81Granite, OK / 2,207
46.11.63Electra, TX / 2,849
47.11.62Elmer, OK / 89
48.11.47Tipton, OK / 778
49.11.44Eldorado, OK / 414
50.11.28Roosevelt, OK / 206
51.10.99Martha, OK / 192
52.10.87Hollister, OK / 137
53.10.67Cooperton, OK / 12

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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