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Most Educated Cities Near Finley, WA

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Finley, WA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 46 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.14.76Riverside, OR / 156
2.14.63Richland, WA / 45,780
3.14.15Walla Walla East, WA / 1,248
4.14.11West Richland, WA / 11,037
5.13.87College Place, WA / 8,502
6.13.74Cayuse, OR / 49
7.13.70Hatton, WA / 122
8.13.68Athena, OR / 1,028
9.13.66Helix, OR / 129
10.13.63West Pasco, WA / 4,081
11.13.57Garrett, WA / 1,347
12.13.50Touchet, WA / 343
13.13.44Echo, OR / 665
14.13.36Waitsburg, WA / 1,194
15.13.33Weston, OR / 638
16.13.30Kirkpatrick, OR / 213
17.13.29Walla Walla, WA / 31,177
18.13.15Kennewick, WA / 70,341
19.13.14Pendleton, OR / 16,651
20.13.13Adams, OR / 297
21.13.08Burbank, WA / 3,578
22.13.00Mission, OR / 732
23.12.99Gopher Flats, OR / 425
24.12.91Pilot Rock, OR / 1,537
25.12.85Tutuilla, OR / 492
26.12.83Prosser, WA / 5,471
27.12.81Dixie, WA / 154
28.12.79Prescott, WA / 305
29.12.42Hermiston, OR / 16,016
30.12.41Umapine, OR / 265
31.12.37Benton City, WA / 2,925
32.12.36Finley, WA / 5,489
33.12.33Kahlotus, WA / 195
34.12.09Starbuck, WA / 107
35.11.96Umatilla, OR / 6,630
36.11.92Stanfield, OR / 1,951
37.11.87Irrigon, OR / 1,923
38.11.81Pasco, WA / 54,116
39.11.73Milton Freewater, OR / 6,921
40.11.69Connell, WA / 3,570
41.11.38Othello, WA / 6,919
42.11.33Boardman, OR / 3,149
43.10.75Grandview, WA / 10,391
44.10.21Basin City, WA / 881
45.9.81Mesa, WA / 470
46.9.71Wallula, WA / 92

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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