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Most Educated Cities Near Chappells, SC

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Chappells, SC

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 111 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.15.15Five Forks, SC / 13,137
2.14.88Lake Murray Of Richland, SC / 4,853
3.14.74Evans, GA / 27,793
4.14.73Modoc, SC / 336
5.14.63Hodges, SC / 162
6.14.55Seven Oaks, SC / 16,332
7.14.49Aiken, SC / 28,807
8.14.49Due West, SC / 1,484
9.14.43Lexington, SC / 16,410
10.14.29Irmo, SC / 11,085
11.14.12Mauldin, SC / 21,686
12.14.00Ware Place, SC / 28
13.13.99Trenton, SC / 157
14.13.95Chapin, SC / 1,248
15.13.95North Augusta, SC / 20,535
16.13.85Saint Andrews, SC / 20,835
17.13.57Cross Anchor, SC / 189
18.13.52Gilbert, SC / 487
19.13.51Parksville, SC / 101
20.13.50Plum Branch, SC / 55
21.13.48Springdale town, SC / 2,623
22.13.43Simpsonville, SC / 17,537
23.13.39Mountville, SC / 134
24.13.31Oak Grove, SC / 10,479
25.13.30Pelion, SC / 766
26.13.25West Columbia, SC / 14,668
27.13.21Spartanburg, SC / 37,488
28.13.20Little Mountain, SC / 288
29.13.11Monetta, SC / 247
30.13.00Pomaria, SC / 149
31.12.99Pineridge, SC / 2,203
32.12.92Peak, SC / 42
33.12.89Abbeville, SC / 5,378
34.12.86Summit, SC / 448
35.12.85Prosperity, SC / 971
36.12.76Troy, SC / 84
37.12.74Winnsboro Mills, SC / 1,998
38.12.72Ninety Six, SC / 1,831
39.12.71Fountain Inn, SC / 7,411
40.12.66Starr, SC / 194
41.12.65Silverstreet, SC / 223
42.12.64Coronaca, SC / 395
43.12.63Red Bank, SC / 10,084
44.12.61Newberry, SC / 10,272
45.12.59Donalds, SC / 356
46.12.55Anderson, SC / 26,566
47.12.50Union, SC / 8,485
48.12.42Golden Grove, SC / 3,047
49.12.40Belvedere, SC / 5,428
50.12.39Honea Path, SC / 3,777
51.12.38Lincolnton, GA / 1,612
52.12.34Ridge Spring, SC / 911
53.12.33Princeton, SC / 34
54.12.32Laurens, SC / 9,265
55.12.29Bradley, SC / 157
56.12.29Glendale, SC / 344
57.12.29Wagener, SC / 483
58.12.27Greenwood, SC / 22,936
59.12.26Batesburg-Leesville, SC / 5,288
60.12.25Roebuck, SC / 1,633
61.12.25Pelzer, SC / 87
62.12.24South Congaree, SC / 2,367
63.12.22Reidville, SC / 546
64.12.21Winnsboro, SC / 3,657
65.12.16Willington, SC / 185
66.12.15Williamston, SC / 3,893
67.12.15Waterloo, SC / 109
68.12.08Johnston, SC / 2,471
69.12.04Mccormick, SC / 2,555
70.12.02Lake Secession, SC / 954
71.12.00Jenkinsville, SC / 40
72.11.99Piedmont, SC / 5,062
73.11.99Murphys Estates, SC / 2,256
74.11.94Whitmire, SC / 1,567
75.11.94Graniteville, SC / 2,845
76.11.88Clinton, SC / 8,615
77.11.84Burnettown, SC / 2,671
78.11.83Pacolet, SC / 1,991
79.11.81Belton, SC / 4,189
80.11.79Jonesville, SC / 895
81.11.79Carlisle, SC / 472
82.11.74Gantt, SC / 13,874
83.11.73Edgefield, SC / 4,749
84.11.62Gray Court, SC / 731
85.11.60Clearwater, SC / 4,238
86.11.58Cross Hill, SC / 360
87.11.58Promised Land, SC / 477
88.11.57Lockhart, SC / 597
89.11.52Mount Carmel, SC / 173
90.11.51Ware Shoals, SC / 2,650
91.11.50Monarch Mill, SC / 2,150
92.11.50Gayle Mill, SC / 752
93.11.46Woodruff, SC / 4,097
94.11.41Calhoun Falls, SC / 2,207
95.11.35Buffalo, SC / 1,322
96.11.31Langley, SC / 1,440
97.11.28Clarks Hill, SC / 252
98.11.27Ward, SC / 89
99.11.26Gloverville, SC / 3,271
100.11.16Saluda, SC / 3,450
101.11.11Homeland Park, SC / 6,062
102.11.10Cokesbury, SC / 104
103.11.08Iva, SC / 1,129
104.11.00West Pelzer, SC / 705
105.11.00Central Pacolet, SC / 332
106.10.99Joanna, SC / 1,442
107.10.93Warrenville, SC / 1,121
108.10.90Lowndesville, SC / 156
109.10.48Watts Mills, SC / 1,743
110.10.05Antreville, SC / 79
111.10.05Enoree, SC / 777

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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