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Most Educated Cities Near Bentonville, OH

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Bentonville, OH

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 141 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.16.60The Village Of Indian Hill, OH / 5,760
2.16.40Terrace Park, OH / 2,250
3.16.34Lakeview Heights, KY / 172
4.16.06Coldstream, OH / 1,336
5.15.84Turpin Hills, OH / 4,930
6.15.84Dry Run, OH / 6,538
7.15.61Mariemont, OH / 3,372
8.15.36Plainville, OH / 223
9.14.95Sherwood CDP, OH / 3,482
10.14.63Fruit Hill, OH / 3,920
11.14.55Forestville, OH / 10,856
12.14.40Salem Heights, OH / 3,979
13.14.37Cherry Grove, OH / 4,550
14.14.30Cold Spring, KY / 5,495
15.14.09Newtown, OH / 2,618
16.13.86Morehead, KY / 6,981
17.13.74Lake Lorelei, OH / 1,016
18.13.56South Webster, OH / 854
19.13.47Alexandria, KY / 8,376
20.13.46Milford, OH / 6,664
21.13.45Claryville, KY / 2,437
22.13.38Waverly City, OH / 4,468
23.13.37Crestview, KY / 478
24.13.37Mulberry, OH / 3,250
25.13.37Rosemount, OH / 2,198
26.13.35Elizaville, KY / 200
27.13.28Highland Heights, KY / 6,809
28.13.25Batavia, OH / 1,464
29.13.24Saint Martin, OH / 98
30.13.24Mount Repose, OH / 4,259
31.13.23Withamsville, OH / 6,557
32.13.22Camp Dennison, OH / 469
33.13.16Summerside, OH / 5,311
34.13.16Mentor, KY / 219
35.13.09Mount Carmel, OH / 4,887
36.13.03Amelia, OH / 4,786
37.13.02Greenup, KY / 1,312
38.13.02Raceland, KY / 2,563
39.13.01Clarktown, OH / 888
40.12.95Neville, OH / 107
41.12.88Stockdale, OH / 173
42.12.87Wilmington, OH / 12,640
43.12.83Franklin Furnace, OH / 1,678
44.12.82Day Heights, OH / 2,718
45.12.75Wheelersburg, OH / 7,099
46.12.71Fayetteville, OH / 292
47.12.70Hanging Rock, OH / 173
48.12.68Lake Waynoka, OH / 909
49.12.68Lucasville, OH / 1,421
50.12.66Bourneville, OH / 170
51.12.64Worthington, KY / 1,559
52.12.62Higginsport, OH / 249
53.12.56Highland, OH / 211
54.12.55New Richmond, OH / 2,557
55.12.53Berry, KY / 303
56.12.53Portsmouth, OH / 20,244
57.12.52Mount Orab, OH / 3,945
58.12.49Brooksville, KY / 758
59.12.42Morrow, OH / 1,342
60.12.42Cynthiana, KY / 6,457
61.12.42Blanchester, OH / 4,313
62.12.37Williamsburg, OH / 2,411
63.12.37Pleasant Plain, OH / 146
64.12.36Ewing, KY / 477
65.12.33Lynchburg, OH / 1,661
66.12.30Hillsboro, OH / 6,643
67.12.30South Shore, KY / 1,314
68.12.26Melbourne, KY / 498
69.12.24Maysville, KY / 9,004
70.12.24Buford, OH / 279
71.12.24Sciotodale, OH / 745
72.12.22Clarksville, OH / 611
73.12.22Seaman, OH / 905
74.12.22Ryland Heights, KY / 1,046
75.12.18Leesburg, OH / 1,496
76.12.13West Portsmouth, OH / 3,092
77.12.12Ripley, OH / 1,763
78.12.06Flemingsburg, KY / 2,714
79.12.05Piketon, OH / 1,874
80.12.05Carlisle, KY / 2,039
81.12.04Winchester, OH / 1,139
82.12.04Aberdeen, OH / 1,644
83.12.02Georgetown, OH / 4,182
84.12.01Bethel, OH / 2,727
85.12.01Silver Grove, KY / 1,071
86.12.00Newtonsville, OH / 302
87.12.00Owingsville, KY / 1,941
88.12.00New Vienna, OH / 1,226
89.11.97Sardinia, OH / 813
90.11.96Grayson, KY / 4,216
91.11.94Rocky Fork Point, OH / 548
92.11.93Bainbridge village, OH / 849
93.11.93Midland, OH / 361
94.11.90Chilo, OH / 112
95.11.87Butler, KY / 573
96.11.83Peebles, OH / 2,087
97.11.83South Salem, OH / 242
98.11.82Millersburg, KY / 722
99.11.82Garrison, KY / 788
100.11.82Germantown, KY / 170
101.11.78Owensville, OH / 708
102.11.78Moscow, OH / 211
103.11.75Martinsville, OH / 470
104.11.72Olive Hill, KY / 1,859
105.11.71Greenfield, OH / 4,633
106.11.70West Union, OH / 2,810
107.11.70Augusta, KY / 1,338
108.11.70Wurtland, KY / 1,079
109.11.68North Middletown, KY / 542
110.11.64Mcdermott, OH / 203
111.11.64Sinking Spring, OH / 142
112.11.61Falmouth, KY / 2,441
113.11.60Foster, KY / 25
114.11.58Cherry Fork, OH / 135
115.11.57Russellville, OH / 464
116.11.56New Boston, OH / 2,308
117.11.54Beaver, OH / 460
118.11.41Highland Holiday, OH / 396
119.11.40Butlerville, OH / 220
120.11.35Dover, KY / 373
121.11.33Mays Lick, KY / 136
122.11.32Friendship, OH / 323
123.11.27Mowrystown, OH / 379
124.11.22Sharpsburg, KY / 503
125.11.21Felicity, OH / 742
126.11.20Manchester, OH / 1,630
127.11.20Rome Village, OH / 108
128.11.15Rarden, OH / 229
129.11.14Hamersville, OH / 403
130.11.11Mount Olivet, KY / 476
131.11.08Minford, OH / 516
132.11.07Salt Lick, KY / 341
133.11.04Sardis, KY / 110
134.11.00Vanceburg, KY / 1,997
135.10.75Farmers, KY / 86
136.10.67Concord, KY / 12
137.10.55Bentonville, OH / 22
138.10.52Miamiville, OH / 226
139.10.38California, KY / 131
140.10.14Cynthiana, OH / 56
141.9.97Otway, OH / 121

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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