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Least Educated Cities Near 48703 Zip Code

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 48703

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 55 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲City / Population
1.11.33Skidway Lake, MI / 3,509
2.11.39Kinde, MI / 457
3.11.73Pinconning, MI / 1,187
4.11.80Akron, MI / 302
5.11.86Omer, MI / 336
6.11.87Turner, MI / 124
7.11.98Robin Glen-Indiantown, MI / 917
8.12.00Twining, MI / 188
9.12.02Whittemore, MI / 427
10.12.03Buena Vista, MI / 6,553
11.12.04Owendale, MI / 238
12.12.11Lupton, MI / 340
13.12.15Rose City, MI / 699
14.12.16Saint Helen, MI / 2,706
15.12.20Au Gres, MI / 902
16.12.21Standish, MI / 1,964
17.12.23Saginaw, MI / 53,463
18.12.26Bad Axe, MI / 3,182
19.12.28Harrisville, MI / 523
20.12.28Bay Port, MI / 663
21.12.32Sterling, MI / 610
22.12.32Caseville, MI / 697
23.12.32Sand Lake, MI / 1,575
24.12.35Mio, MI / 2,204
25.12.36Beaverton, MI / 1,050
26.12.38Ubly, MI / 779
27.12.48Gagetown, MI / 333
28.12.49Tawas City, MI / 1,645
29.12.50Sebewaing, MI / 1,769
30.12.55Coleman, MI / 1,206
31.12.55Elkton, MI / 905
32.12.57Au Sable, MI / 1,102
33.12.59Bridgeport, MI / 6,958
34.12.60Vassar, MI / 2,722
35.12.62Unionville, MI / 710
36.12.62West Branch, MI / 2,238
37.12.70Caro, MI / 4,583
38.12.81Lincoln, MI / 354
39.12.83Fairgrove, MI / 494
40.12.86Oscoda, MI / 851
41.12.86Bay City, MI / 35,235
42.12.88Port Austin, MI / 506
43.12.91Prescott, MI / 210
44.12.91Gladwin, MI / 2,967
45.12.94Zilwaukee, MI / 1,869
46.13.06Shields, MI / 6,821
47.13.07Pigeon, MI / 985
48.13.10Cass City, MI / 2,577
49.13.21Reese, MI / 1,666
50.13.35Sanford, MI / 1,092
51.13.36East Tawas, MI / 2,861
52.13.40Freeland, MI / 6,999
53.13.69Essexville, MI / 3,521
54.13.89Auburn, MI / 2,183
55.14.58Midland, MI / 41,961

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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