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Least Educated Cities Near 18834 Zip Code

Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 18834

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 165 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲City / Population
1.11.69Laporte, PA / 457
2.11.70Smithville Flats, NY / 284
3.11.72New Albany, PA / 444
4.11.72Jamison City, PA / 105
5.11.73White Mills, PA / 614
6.11.87Friendsville, PA / 125
7.11.90Thompson, PA / 346
8.11.91Burlington, PA / 210
9.11.94Laceyville, PA / 497
10.12.02Glen Lyon, PA / 2,024
11.12.10Forest City, PA / 1,747
12.12.12Glen Aubrey, NY / 414
13.12.14Union Dale, PA / 335
14.12.15Lanesboro, PA / 539
15.12.18Warrior Run, PA / 642
16.12.20Rome, PA / 439
17.12.22Noxen, PA / 701
18.12.32Plymouth, PA / 6,012
19.12.34Ashley, PA / 2,792
20.12.35Meshoppen, PA / 630
21.12.36Oakland borough, PA / 649
22.12.36Montrose, PA / 2,298
23.12.37Greens Landing, PA / 558
24.12.38Susquehanna Depot Borough, PA / 1,559
25.12.41Pikes Creek, PA / 278
26.12.43Athens, PA / 3,362
27.12.43Simpson, PA / 1,431
28.12.46Pringle, PA / 938
29.12.47Courtdale, PA / 741
30.12.50Nanticoke, PA / 10,492
31.12.51Hallstead, PA / 1,737
32.12.51Pittston, PA / 7,774
33.12.53Hop Bottom, PA / 366
34.12.53Little Meadows, PA / 365
35.12.53Silkworth, PA / 815
36.12.54Waymart, PA / 1,482
37.12.56Nichols, NY / 414
38.12.56Dushore, PA / 613
39.12.57Wilkes Barre, PA / 41,595
40.12.58Gouldsboro, PA / 779
41.12.60Great Bend, PA / 985
42.12.60West Falls, PA / 521
43.12.61Luzerne, PA / 2,853
44.12.61Livingston Manor, NY / 1,007
45.12.65Taylor, PA / 6,294
46.12.66Olyphant, PA / 5,113
47.12.66Carbondale, PA / 9,002
48.12.67New Milford, PA / 884
49.12.67Wanamie, PA / 713
50.12.68Prompton, PA / 199
51.12.68Windsor, NY / 1,073
52.12.68Laurel Run, PA / 491
53.12.70Hancock, NY / 1,081
54.12.70Throop, PA / 4,050
55.12.71Wallenpaupack Lake Estates, PA / 1,571
56.12.71Le Raysville, PA / 292
57.12.71Afton, NY / 976
58.12.71Honesdale, PA / 4,580
59.12.71Edwardsville, PA / 4,801
60.12.73Sheatown, PA / 495
61.12.74Larksville, PA / 4,516
62.12.74Scranton, PA / 76,065
63.12.75Whitney Point, NY / 986
64.12.77Fawn Lake Forest, PA / 947
65.12.78Vandling, PA / 578
66.12.79Sugar Notch, PA / 1,089
67.12.81West Nanticoke, PA / 544
68.12.83Blakely, PA / 6,659
69.12.86Endicott, NY / 13,320
70.12.89Avoca, PA / 2,677
71.12.90Inkerman, PA / 1,905
72.12.93Van Etten, NY / 448
73.12.94Towanda, PA / 2,933
74.12.95Walton, NY / 2,646
75.12.95Oxford, NY / 1,392
76.12.95Lisle, NY / 323
77.12.95Nicholson, PA / 827
78.12.98Pocono Springs, PA / 884
79.13.00Sayre, PA / 5,616
80.13.00Archbald, PA / 6,855
81.13.02Monroe Borough, PA / 692
82.13.02Deposit, NY / 1,816
83.13.03Waverly, NY / 4,484
84.13.03Hawley, PA / 1,116
85.13.05Smallwood, NY / 688
86.13.07Dupont, PA / 2,704
87.13.12Jermyn, PA / 2,278
88.13.12Swoyersville, PA / 5,061
89.13.13Hudson, PA / 1,480
90.13.14Downsville, NY / 805
91.13.15Binghamton, NY / 47,391
92.13.19Johnson City, NY / 15,246
93.13.19Mayfield, PA / 1,857
94.13.19Exeter, PA / 5,686
95.13.23Candor, NY / 760
96.13.25South Waverly, PA / 1,161
97.13.27Hilldale, PA / 1,434
98.13.28Norwich, NY / 7,303
99.13.28Plains, PA / 3,983
100.13.31Hughestown, PA / 1,330
101.13.31Dickson City, PA / 6,078
102.13.31Lake Winola, PA / 663
103.13.32Bainbridge, NY / 1,401
104.13.32Browntown, PA / 1,502
105.13.33Marathon, NY / 1,177
106.13.34Old Forge, PA / 8,374
107.13.36Owego, NY / 3,899
108.13.37Starrucca, PA / 202
109.13.37Spencer, NY / 832
110.13.37Penn Lake Park, PA / 339
111.13.38Jessup, PA / 4,673
112.13.39Big Bass Lake, PA / 1,178
113.13.41Guilford, NY / 231
114.13.42Tunkhannock, PA / 1,874
115.13.43Wyoming, PA / 3,082
116.13.45Otego, NY / 1,302
117.13.46Greene, NY / 1,707
118.13.47Wyalusing, PA / 485
119.13.49The Hideout, PA / 2,454
120.13.50West Wyoming, PA / 2,735
121.13.50Eagle Lake, PA / 20
122.13.51Apalachin, NY / 1,120
123.13.53Upper Exeter, PA / 787
124.13.54Unadilla, NY / 1,121
125.13.56Moosic, PA / 5,598
126.13.60Gilbertsville, NY / 350
127.13.67West Pittston, PA / 4,886
128.13.67Harveys Lake, PA / 2,769
129.13.69Dunmore, PA / 14,092
130.13.70Newark Valley, NY / 1,161
131.13.70Franklin, NY / 335
132.13.70Bethany, PA / 396
133.13.71Duryea, PA / 4,844
134.13.72Sidney, NY / 3,551
135.13.72Kingston, PA / 13,244
136.13.73Factoryville, PA / 1,142
137.13.75Mount Cobb, PA / 1,960
138.13.84Nuangola, PA / 994
139.13.86Port Dickinson, NY / 1,419
140.13.86Shavertown, PA / 1,989
141.13.87Roscoe, NY / 543
142.13.88Narrowsburg, NY / 577
143.13.90Moscow, PA / 2,410
144.13.94Jeffersonville, NY / 322
145.14.01Forty Fort, PA / 4,255
146.14.02Callicoon, NY / 112
147.14.02Chase, PA / 1,349
148.14.06Hemlock Farms, PA / 2,912
149.14.06Yatesville, PA / 694
150.14.19Trucksville, PA / 2,018
151.14.28Chenango Bridge, NY / 3,046
152.14.39Mountain Top, PA / 10,560
153.14.45Hortonville, NY / 338
154.14.46Endwell, NY / 11,691
155.14.48Masthope, PA / 505
156.14.78Chinchilla, PA / 1,765
157.14.87Clarks Summit, PA / 5,115
158.14.89Glenburn, PA / 1,012
159.14.92Laflin, PA / 1,530
160.14.94Dalton, PA / 1,213
161.15.10Dallas, PA / 2,765
162.15.19Binghamton University, NY / 6,989
163.15.34Clarks Green, PA / 1,661
164.15.44Bear Creek Village, PA / 258
165.15.79Waverly, PA / 523

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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