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Arkansas Ukrainian as First Ancestry Population Percentage Census Tract Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 86 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankUkrainian as First Ancestry Population Percentage ▼Census Tract / Population
1.3.1%AR149952301 / 3,283
2.1.6%AR143010107 / 5,558
3.1.5%AR119003713 / 3,526
4.1.4%AR143010702 / 5,650
5.1.3%AR119004205 / 3,486
6.1.2%AR045031005 / 7,307
7.1.1%AR007020701 / 5,363
8.1.0%AR053470200 / 3,094
8.1.0%AR131001002 / 2,096
8.1.0%AR143011102 / 6,937
8.1.0%AR091020802 / 2,731
12.1.0%AR051011900 / 5,842
12.1.0%AR051011800 / 4,177
14.1.0%AR029950300 / 5,452
15.0.9%AR059020600 / 3,873
16.0.9%AR143011103 / 4,048
17.0.8%AR119003711 / 4,470
18.0.8%AR125010503 / 6,613
19.0.8%AR119003712 / 4,272
20.0.7%AR051011700 / 5,236
21.0.7%AR119004207 / 7,347
22.0.7%AR031000601 / 5,152
23.0.7%AR069000301 / 3,440
23.0.7%AR119004201 / 2,423
25.0.7%AR143010509 / 7,385
26.0.6%AR119002206 / 3,586
27.0.6%AR115951300 / 6,926
28.0.6%AR149952302 / 3,493
29.0.5%AR015950400 / 4,720
30.0.5%AR131000600 / 5,090
31.0.5%AR017080300 / 3,337
32.0.4%AR093011100 / 2,949
32.0.4%AR113950400 / 3,096
32.0.4%AR007020901 / 7,577
35.0.4%AR143010501 / 5,263
36.0.4%AR109953500 / 4,429
37.0.4%AR051011500 / 2,367
38.0.4%AR015950200 / 6,665
38.0.4%AR113950500 / 2,039
40.0.4%AR131001201 / 3,654
40.0.4%AR051010900 / 3,152
42.0.3%AR005950600 / 4,086
43.0.3%AR119004213 / 4,288
43.0.3%AR031000602 / 6,417
45.0.3%AR007020803 / 3,626
45.0.3%AR085020201 / 3,666
45.0.3%AR007020501 / 5,850
45.0.3%AR007020201 / 4,281
49.0.3%AR085020103 / 5,518
49.0.3%AR051011400 / 3,458
49.0.3%AR087960400 / 3,096
49.0.3%AR007020401 / 6,376
53.0.3%AR005950500 / 5,178
53.0.3%AR007020801 / 3,991
53.0.3%AR065960100 / 3,531
56.0.3%AR143011101 / 6,576
56.0.3%AR031000900 / 5,378
58.0.3%AR137950100 / 4,050
59.0.2%AR125010510 / 9,288
60.0.2%AR119003500 / 2,945
60.0.2%AR125010506 / 7,187
62.0.2%AR007020703 / 5,109
62.0.2%AR115951502 / 7,096
62.0.2%AR007020603 / 6,575
62.0.2%AR007020404 / 4,822
62.0.2%AR131000501 / 5,230
62.0.2%AR091020701 / 3,469
62.0.2%AR069002000 / 5,900
69.0.2%AR115950900 / 6,624
69.0.2%AR145071200 / 9,887
69.0.2%AR125010511 / 4,945
72.0.2%AR143010510 / 4,644
72.0.2%AR069000302 / 5,307
74.0.2%AR031000300 / 7,058
74.0.2%AR045030302 / 5,661
76.0.2%AR143010105 / 8,191
76.0.2%AR083950100 / 4,320
78.0.1%AR143010302 / 14,928
79.0.1%AR045031101 / 5,587
80.0.1%AR033020401 / 4,599
81.0.1%AR005950900 / 5,485
81.0.1%AR019953700 / 4,534
81.0.1%AR135470300 / 4,043
81.0.1%AR065960200 / 4,718
85.0.1%AR149952500 / 4,523
86.0.0%AR005950800 / 6,218

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Ukrainian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Ukrainian as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data are not listed.

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