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Arkansas Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage Census Block Group Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 117 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankConstruction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.34.2%AR1190034031 / 1,371
2.30.6%AR0899603005 / 778
3.19.3%AR1450704011 / 1,058
4.18.4%AR0510116011 / 1,282
5.15.2%AR1299703002 / 730
6.15.1%AR0070201012 / 884
7.14.8%AR0070205033 / 1,544
8.14.5%AR0690015021 / 636
9.14.1%AR0634908002 / 1,751
10.13.9%AR1190036093 / 1,234
11.12.3%AR1190040043 / 787
12.11.9%AR1430104015 / 1,022
13.11.9%AR0199539003 / 1,049
14.11.8%AR1430110043 / 1,375
15.11.7%AR0419502003 / 740
16.11.1%AR1414604002 / 1,330
17.10.9%AR1190019005 / 603
18.10.8%AR1250105073 / 509
19.10.6%AR1250105081 / 490
20.10.1%AR0299502002 / 1,172
21.10.0%AR0070210024 / 1,358
21.10.0%AR1414604004 / 470
23.9.6%AR0310010004 / 1,219
24.9.5%AR1414604001 / 1,189
25.8.9%AR0554808013 / 1,565
26.8.7%AR0510106004 / 401
27.8.3%AR1450711004 / 834
28.8.3%AR0450309002 / 1,054
29.8.1%AR1310008002 / 1,338
30.7.8%AR0510105001 / 1,941
31.7.8%AR0379505001 / 730
32.7.6%AR1190018004 / 506
33.7.3%AR0734702002 / 1,291
34.7.2%AR0754705024 / 998
35.7.1%AR0419505002 / 1,209
36.7.1%AR1250104061 / 2,476
37.6.5%AR1114901004 / 923
38.6.2%AR0070214042 / 2,498
39.6.0%AR1190042051 / 1,995
39.6.0%AR0310003007 / 888
41.5.7%AR1250105111 / 2,459
41.5.7%AR1190036082 / 2,225
43.5.4%AR1190041051 / 2,425
44.5.2%AR0959501003 / 1,297
45.5.2%AR1190027003 / 1,273
46.5.0%AR1159509001 / 1,024
47.5.0%AR0450305022 / 1,779
48.4.6%AR0097905011 / 1,580
49.4.6%AR0690014023 / 1,204
50.4.2%AR1399502005 / 1,146
51.4.1%AR0910204002 / 693
52.4.0%AR0199536021 / 2,410
53.4.0%AR0170802001 / 852
54.3.9%AR0014805004 / 1,110
55.3.9%AR1039504003 / 699
56.3.8%AR1190036061 / 1,134
57.3.8%AR0070201023 / 1,830
58.3.7%AR0719519003 / 946
59.3.5%AR1190038003 / 1,133
60.3.5%AR1414602003 / 1,320
61.3.4%AR1399502003 / 791
62.3.3%AR0910210005 / 1,442
63.3.3%AR0279503001 / 2,173
64.3.1%AR0379502003 / 1,358
65.3.0%AR0839506001 / 1,265
66.2.9%AR1430101051 / 3,136
67.2.8%AR0810302002 / 665
68.2.8%AR1430101011 / 2,118
69.2.8%AR0450302002 / 2,640
70.2.7%AR1430101012 / 1,360
71.2.7%AR0330201003 / 2,752
72.2.7%AR1299701003 / 700
73.2.6%AR0039603004 / 1,174
74.2.5%AR0279501003 / 1,676
74.2.5%AR0554802001 / 1,778
76.2.5%AR1399505003 / 3,144
77.2.5%AR0910209001 / 1,244
78.2.4%AR0070213042 / 1,721
78.2.4%AR0070205032 / 1,591
80.2.4%AR1310002001 / 1,539
81.2.3%AR0510111001 / 3,210
82.2.3%AR1099535003 / 1,720
83.2.2%AR1310102012 / 2,252
84.2.1%AR1279502001 / 1,695
85.2.1%AR1159507001 / 1,822
86.2.0%AR0899603003 / 1,292
87.1.9%AR0690024002 / 2,351
88.1.9%AR1279501003 / 1,416
89.1.8%AR0554805002 / 2,656
89.1.8%AR1430112001 / 2,116
91.1.8%AR1159509004 / 3,276
92.1.7%AR0719522002 / 998
93.1.7%AR0039604002 / 502
94.1.7%AR0134802003 / 734
95.1.7%AR1190043051 / 5,173
96.1.7%AR0434901001 / 613
97.1.6%AR1239603001 / 1,065
97.1.6%AR1059527001 / 1,385
99.1.5%AR0450310061 / 2,100
100.1.4%AR0799605001 / 1,105
101.1.4%AR0534702002 / 2,079
102.1.3%AR1039503004 / 1,135
103.1.3%AR1310103013 / 2,133
104.1.3%AR0219503002 / 634
105.1.3%AR1414603023 / 2,062
106.1.2%AR1450701003 / 1,490
107.1.2%AR1250104041 / 1,331
108.1.2%AR0310009003 / 1,245
109.1.1%AR1159510002 / 3,107
110.1.1%AR0450301042 / 3,333
111.1.0%AR1450711001 / 712
112.0.9%AR0450310062 / 1,780
113.0.7%AR0299506002 / 1,428
114.0.7%AR0299505001 / 1,996
115.0.7%AR0097903001 / 2,186
116.0.5%AR0634901002 / 1,802
117.0.5%AR0330204022 / 1,970

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage' data are not listed.

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