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Alaska Subsaharan African as First Ancestry Population Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 42 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankSubsaharan African as First Ancestry Population Percentage ▼City / Population
1.19.8%Akutan, AK / 879
2.9.1%Sand Point, AK / 1,371
3.5.6%Port Alsworth, AK / 147
4.2.7%Unalaska, AK / 4,536
5.1.9%King Cove, AK / 900
6.1.8%Point Hope, AK / 628
7.1.5%Petersburg, AK / 2,926
8.1.1%Naknek, AK / 600
9.1.0%Anderson, AK / 257
10.0.9%Fairbanks, AK / 32,100
11.0.8%Lazy Mountain, AK / 1,629
12.0.8%Tanaina, AK / 9,391
13.0.8%Anchorage, AK / 298,178
14.0.7%Homer, AK / 5,229
15.0.7%Grayling, AK / 151
16.0.7%Ninilchik, AK / 730
17.0.6%Eielson, AK / 2,647
18.0.5%Hooper Bay, AK / 1,259
19.0.5%Lakes, AK / 9,345
20.0.4%Wasilla, AK / 8,406
21.0.4%Bethel, AK / 6,295
22.0.3%Metlakatla, AK / 1,568
22.0.3%College, AK / 14,568
24.0.3%Steele Creek, AK / 6,180
24.0.3%Ester, AK / 2,653
26.0.3%Badger, AK / 21,175
27.0.3%Fishhook, AK / 5,015
28.0.2%Eek, AK / 425
29.0.2%Soldotna, AK / 4,345
30.0.2%Fort Greely, AK / 560
30.0.2%Juneau, AK / 32,200
30.0.2%Sitka, AK / 8,957
33.0.2%Gateway, AK / 5,367
34.0.2%Craig, AK / 1,295
35.0.2%Palmer, AK / 6,250
36.0.2%Ketchikan, AK / 8,173
37.0.1%Valdez, AK / 4,002
38.0.1%Skagway, AK / 932
38.0.1%Knik-Fairview, AK / 15,797
40.0.1%Anchor Point, AK / 2,189
41.0.1%Kotzebue, AK / 3,273
42.0.1%Dillingham, AK / 2,255

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Subsaharan African as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Subsaharan African as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data are not listed.

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