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USA.com / Ranks / Alaska 2 Units House Percentage City Rank / Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

Alaska 2 Units House Percentage City Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 170 results found. Show Results on Map.

Rank2 Units House Percentage ▼City / Population
1.31.0%Kodiak Station, AK / 1,397
2.16.1%Moose Creek, AK / 728
3.14.7%Adak, AK / 114
4.14.5%Kodiak, AK / 6,280
5.14.4%Ketchikan, AK / 8,173
6.13.2%Sitka, AK / 8,957
7.12.7%Bethel, AK / 6,295
8.12.5%Pedro Bay, AK / 22
9.12.3%Saint Paul, AK / 612
9.12.3%Nanwalek, AK / 212
11.11.7%King Salmon, AK / 335
12.11.6%Cold Bay, AK / 44
13.10.7%Skagway, AK / 932
14.10.3%Wasilla, AK / 8,406
15.9.7%Barrow, AK / 4,296
16.9.5%Fort Greely, AK / 560
17.8.8%Ouzinkie, AK / 275
18.8.7%Port Graham, AK / 166
19.8.6%Unalaska, AK / 4,536
20.8.5%Chignik Lake, AK / 58
21.8.5%Petersburg, AK / 2,926
22.8.3%Bettles, AK / 11
22.8.3%Kasaan, AK / 67
24.8.1%Ester, AK / 2,653
25.8.0%Akutan, AK / 879
26.7.9%Tenakee Springs, AK / 117
26.7.9%Valdez, AK / 4,002
28.7.8%Womens Bay, AK / 854
29.7.3%Nome, AK / 3,745
30.7.2%Badger, AK / 21,175
31.6.9%Salcha, AK / 957
32.6.9%Kiana, AK / 371
32.6.9%Nunapitchuk, AK / 459
34.6.8%Seward, AK / 2,646
34.6.8%Fairbanks, AK / 32,100
36.6.8%Juneau, AK / 32,200
36.6.8%Teller, AK / 184
38.6.7%Saint Michael, AK / 406
39.6.7%Anderson, AK / 257
40.6.5%Kotzebue, AK / 3,273
41.6.5%Pelican, AK / 57
42.6.4%Deering, AK / 128
43.6.3%Dillingham, AK / 2,255
44.6.3%College, AK / 14,568
45.6.1%Nikolai, AK / 75
45.6.1%Chenega, AK / 72
47.6.1%Tazlina, AK / 323
48.6.0%Togiak, AK / 765
49.5.9%Kivalina, AK / 532
50.5.9%Cordova, AK / 2,637
51.5.9%Craig, AK / 1,295
51.5.9%Healy, AK / 1,146
53.5.8%Homer, AK / 5,229
54.5.8%Seldovia, AK / 264
55.5.8%Butte, AK / 3,544
56.5.8%Akiachak, AK / 590
57.5.7%Nenana, AK / 438
58.5.6%Chignik, AK / 86
59.5.6%Haines, AK / 1,951
60.5.5%Soldotna, AK / 4,345
61.5.4%White Mountain, AK / 148
62.5.2%Thorne Bay, AK / 536
63.5.2%Anchorage, AK / 298,178
64.4.9%Northway, AK / 139
64.4.9%Kokhanok, AK / 123
66.4.8%Delta Junction, AK / 1,070
66.4.8%Minto, AK / 252
66.4.8%Napaskiak, AK / 430
69.4.6%Aleknagik, AK / 231
70.4.5%Wrangell, AK / 2,383
71.4.5%Angoon, AK / 416
72.4.4%Toksook Bay, AK / 650
72.4.4%Eielson, AK / 2,647
74.4.4%Saxman, AK / 470
75.4.3%Chena Ridge, AK / 5,671
76.4.3%Ruby, AK / 208
77.4.2%Kobuk, AK / 159
78.4.1%Nikiski, AK / 4,536
79.4.1%Knik-Fairview, AK / 15,797
80.4.0%Gulkana, AK / 104
81.3.9%Tanaina, AK / 9,391
82.3.9%Ambler, AK / 329
83.3.8%Aniak, AK / 519
84.3.8%Metlakatla, AK / 1,568
85.3.7%Klawock, AK / 697
86.3.7%Elim, AK / 319
87.3.7%Chevak, AK / 986
88.3.6%Port Heiden, AK / 84
89.3.6%Diamond Ridge, AK / 1,144
90.3.6%Palmer, AK / 6,250
91.3.5%Tyonek, AK / 226
92.3.3%Deltana, AK / 2,122
93.3.2%New Stuyahok, AK / 574
94.3.1%Chistochina, AK / 105
95.3.1%Steele Creek, AK / 6,180
96.3.0%Kalifornsky, AK / 7,806
97.2.9%Hooper Bay, AK / 1,259
98.2.8%Buffalo Soapstone, AK / 878
99.2.8%Manokotak, AK / 673
100.2.8%Gakona, AK / 163
100.2.8%Tanana, AK / 248
102.2.6%Point Lay, AK / 246
103.2.6%Gustavus, AK / 529
104.2.6%Kotlik, AK / 636
105.2.6%Shungnak, AK / 308
106.2.5%Hoonah, AK / 772
107.2.5%Port Alsworth, AK / 147
107.2.5%Anaktuvuk Pass, AK / 233
109.2.4%Kaltag, AK / 200
110.2.4%Savoonga, AK / 872
111.2.4%King Cove, AK / 900
112.2.3%Kongiganak, AK / 368
113.2.3%Unalakleet, AK / 708
113.2.3%Big Lake, AK / 3,959
113.2.3%Sand Point, AK / 1,371
116.2.3%Meadow Lakes, AK / 7,139
117.2.2%Willow, AK / 1,944
118.2.2%Emmonak, AK / 819
119.2.1%Hydaburg, AK / 356
120.2.1%Lakes, AK / 9,345
121.2.1%Ekwok, AK / 100
121.2.1%Naknek, AK / 600
123.2.0%Galena, AK / 539
124.2.0%Marshall, AK / 320
125.1.9%Gambell, AK / 702
126.1.9%Noatak, AK / 452
126.1.9%Chitina, AK / 78
128.1.7%Sutton-Alpine, AK / 1,390
129.1.7%Susitna North, AK / 1,420
130.1.6%Happy Valley, AK / 585
131.1.6%Farm Loop, AK / 1,018
131.1.6%Salamatof, AK / 1,049
133.1.6%Coffman Cove, AK / 131
134.1.6%Fort Yukon, AK / 514
135.1.5%Nulato, AK / 272
136.1.5%Pilot Station, AK / 567
136.1.5%Talkeetna, AK / 508
138.1.4%Fishhook, AK / 5,015
138.1.4%Kenai, AK / 7,348
140.1.4%Yakutat, AK / 587
141.1.4%Pilot Point, AK / 47
141.1.4%Atqasuk, AK / 219
143.1.4%South Naknek, AK / 60
144.1.3%Kake, AK / 592
145.1.1%Silver Springs, AK / 170
146.1.1%Fritz Creek, AK / 1,774
147.1.1%Quinhagak, AK / 616
148.1.1%Houston, AK / 2,058
149.1.1%Kipnuk, AK / 700
150.1.1%Lazy Mountain, AK / 1,629
151.1.1%Mcgrath, AK / 344
152.1.1%Gateway, AK / 5,367
153.1.0%Whittier, AK / 246
154.1.0%Akiak, AK / 407
155.1.0%Point Hope, AK / 628
156.1.0%Cohoe, AK / 1,485
157.0.9%Cantwell, AK / 197
158.0.9%St. Mary'S, AK / 551
159.0.9%Copper Center, AK / 378
160.0.9%Huslia, AK / 379
161.0.9%Old Harbor, AK / 268
162.0.8%Anchor Point, AK / 2,189
163.0.8%Tok, AK / 1,304
164.0.7%Eagle, AK / 74
165.0.7%Glacier View, AK / 278
166.0.6%Alakanuk, AK / 733
167.0.4%Kwethluk, AK / 763
168.0.4%North Pole, AK / 2,153
169.0.3%Ninilchik, AK / 730
170.0.3%Sterling, AK / 5,748

Please note that we only rank locations with '2 Units House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without '2 Units House Percentage' data are not listed.

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