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Alabama Danish as First Ancestry Population Percentage County Rank

Based on ACS 2008-2012 data*

A total of 49 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankDanish as First Ancestry Population Percentage ▼County / Population
1.0.4%Conecuh, AL / 13,188
2.0.4%Dale, AL / 50,129
3.0.4%Etowah, AL / 104,317
4.0.3%Autauga, AL / 54,590
5.0.3%Greene, AL / 9,067
6.0.3%Madison, AL / 334,661
7.0.3%Baldwin, AL / 183,226
8.0.2%Lauderdale, AL / 92,528
9.0.2%Fayette, AL / 17,219
10.0.2%Perry, AL / 10,525
11.0.2%Mobile, AL / 412,297
11.0.2%Shelby, AL / 195,237
11.0.2%Chambers, AL / 34,228
14.0.2%Tuscaloosa, AL / 194,254
14.0.2%De Kalb, AL / 70,949
16.0.2%Talladega, AL / 82,194
16.0.2%Choctaw, AL / 13,838
18.0.1%Washington, AL / 17,407
18.0.1%Morgan, AL / 119,330
20.0.1%Elmore, AL / 79,330
21.0.1%Jefferson, AL / 658,464
22.0.1%Jackson, AL / 53,279
23.0.1%Franklin, AL / 31,664
23.0.1%Cherokee, AL / 25,917
23.0.1%Marengo, AL / 20,909
26.0.1%Pike, AL / 32,750
27.0.1%Houston, AL / 101,459
27.0.1%Henry, AL / 17,275
29.0.1%Limestone, AL / 83,313
29.0.1%Marshall, AL / 93,070
31.0.1%Walker, AL / 67,016
31.0.1%Coffee, AL / 49,966
31.0.1%Cullman, AL / 80,403
34.0.0%Escambia, AL / 38,122
34.0.0%Montgomery, AL / 229,376
34.0.0%Blount, AL / 57,466
34.0.0%Lawrence, AL / 34,148
38.0.0%Calhoun, AL / 117,834
38.0.0%Lee, AL / 140,938
38.0.0%Pickens, AL / 19,646
38.0.0%Dallas, AL / 43,572
42.0.0%Butler, AL / 20,730
42.0.0%Winston, AL / 24,432
42.0.0%Chilton, AL / 43,611
42.0.0%Randolph, AL / 22,843
46.0.0%Saint Clair, AL / 83,530
46.0.0%Covington, AL / 37,803
46.0.0%Geneva, AL / 26,769
49.0.0%Marion, AL / 30,641

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Danish as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Danish as First Ancestry Population Percentage' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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