Meridian, GA School District
3 school districts were found in or near Meridian, GA.
Glynn County (20.6 miles)
1313 Egmont St
Brunswick, GA 31520
phone: 912-267-4100
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
1313 Egmont St
Brunswick, GA 31520
phone: 912-267-4100
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
19 Schools Students: 12,818 Teachers: 798.80 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.05
High School:
Elementary/Middle School: ![](/img/s6.gif)
High School:
Long County (30.0 miles)
468 South Mcdonald St
Ludowici, GA 31316
phone: 912-545-2367
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
468 South Mcdonald St
Ludowici, GA 31316
phone: 912-545-2367
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
5 Schools Students: 3,147 Teachers: 180.60 Student-Teacher Ratio: 17.43
High School:
Elementary/Middle School: ![](/img/s5.gif)
High School:
Mcintosh County (5.5 miles)
200 Pine St
Darien, GA 31305
phone: 912-437-6645
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
200 Pine St
Darien, GA 31305
phone: 912-437-6645
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
4 Schools Students: 1,661 Teachers: 109.10 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.22
High School:
Elementary/Middle School: ![](/img/s3.gif)
High School: