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Lenhartsville, PA Historical House Occupancy Status Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

 Lenhartsville, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Total Housing Units79, see rank, 100%5,578,393132,741,033
Occupied Housing Units69, 87.34%, see rank88.87%87.55%
Owner Occupied30, 37.97%, see rank61.78%56.34%
Renter Occupied39, 49.37%, see rank27.10%31.21%
Vacant Housing Units10, 12.66%, see rank11.13%12.45%
For Rent0, 0.00%, see rank1.77%2.34%
For Sale Only0, 0.00%, see rank1.08%1.20%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank0.87%0.92%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use2, 2.53%, see rank3.08%3.97%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.03%
Other Vacant8, 10.13%, see rank4.31%4.00%

US Census 2010 data

 Lenhartsville, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Total Housing Units80, see rank, 100%5,567,315131,704,730
Occupied Housing Units71, 88.75%, see rank90.15%88.62%
Owner Occupied43, 53.75%, see rank62.72%57.69%
Renter Occupied28, 35.00%, see rank27.43%30.93%
Vacant Housing Units9, 11.25%, see rank9.85%11.38%
For Rent4, 5.00%, see rank2.43%3.14%
For Sale Only0, 0.00%, see rank1.16%1.44%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied2, 2.50%, see rank0.53%0.48%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use1, 1.25%, see rank2.90%3.53%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.02%
Other Vacant2, 2.50%, see rank2.82%2.77%

ACS 2008-2012 data

 Lenhartsville, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Total Housing Units77, see rank, 100%5,563,832131,642,457
Occupied Housing Units72, 93.51%, see rank89.14%87.53%
Owner Occupied37, 48.05%, see rank62.52%57.34%
Renter Occupied35, 45.45%, see rank26.62%30.19%
Vacant Housing Units5, 6.49%, see rank10.86%12.47%
For Rent5, 6.49%, see rank1.80%2.50%
For Sale Only0, 0.00%, see rank1.15%1.38%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank0.86%0.91%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use0, 0.00%, see rank3.03%3.81%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.03%
Other Vacant0, 0.00%, see rank4.01%3.84%

ACS 2006-2010 data

 Lenhartsville, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Total Housing Units81, see rank, 100%5,537,308130,038,080
Occupied Housing Units73, 90.12%, see rank89.22%87.85%
Owner Occupied40, 49.38%, see rank63.36%58.51%
Renter Occupied33, 40.74%, see rank25.86%29.33%
Vacant Housing Units8, 9.88%, see rank10.78%12.15%
For Rent6, 7.41%, see rank1.95%2.53%
For Sale Only0, 0.00%, see rank1.16%1.45%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank0.92%0.95%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use0, 0.00%, see rank2.94%3.60%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.03%
Other Vacant2, 2.47%, see rank3.80%3.59%

ACS 2005-2009 data

 Lenhartsville, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Total Housing Units86, see rank, 100%5,481,676127,699,712
Occupied Housing Units78, 90.70%, see rank89.26%88.18%
Owner Occupied40, 46.51%, see rank63.79%58.98%
Renter Occupied38, 44.19%, see rank25.47%29.20%
Vacant Housing Units8, 9.30%, see rank10.74%11.82%
For Rent6, 6.98%, see rank2.03%2.52%
For Sale Only0, 0.00%, see rank1.14%1.39%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank1.00%0.99%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use0, 0.00%, see rank2.92%3.45%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.03%
Other Vacant2, 2.33%, see rank3.64%3.44%

US Census 2000 data

 Lenhartsville, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Total Housing Units82, see rank, 100%5,249,750115,904,641
Occupied Housing Units78, 95.12%, see rank90.99%91.01%
Owner Occupied49, 59.76%, see rank64.89%60.24%
Renter Occupied29, 35.37%, see rank26.11%30.77%
Vacant Housing Units4, 4.88%, see rank9.01%8.99%
For Rent2, 2.44%, see rank2.01%2.26%
For Sale Only1, 1.22%, see rank1.06%1.04%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank0.71%0.61%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use1, 1.22%, see rank2.82%3.09%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.02%
Other Vacant0, 0.00%, see rank2.38%1.98%

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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