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USA.com / New York / Fowlerville, NY / Income and Careers / Historical Commuting to Work Data

Fowlerville, NY Historical Commuting to Work Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

 Fowlerville, NYNew YorkU.S.
Workers 16 Years and Over93, 100%8,950,165141,337,148
Car, Truck, or Van—Drove Alone77, 82.80%, see rank53.60%76.41%
Car, Truck, or Van—Carpooled0, 0.00%, see rank6.81%9.59%
Public Transportation0, 0.00%, see rank27.40%5.06%
Walked16, 17.20%, see rank6.36%2.78%
Other Means0, 0.00%, see rank1.89%1.79%
Worked at Home0, 0.00%, see rank3.93%4.37%

Mean Travel Time to Work, see rank
Fowlerville, NY
15.8 minutes
New York
32.5 minutes
25.7 minutes
Ranks: 9 min. or less, 10-19 min., 20-29 min., 30-39 min., 40-59 min., 60-89 min., 90min. or more

ACS 2008-2012 data

 Fowlerville, NYNew YorkU.S.
Workers 16 Years and Over105, 100%8,877,453139,893,639
Car, Truck, or Van—Drove Alone90, 85.71%, see rank53.97%76.14%
Car, Truck, or Van—Carpooled0, 0.00%, see rank7.14%10.03%
Public Transportation0, 0.00%, see rank26.81%4.98%
Walked15, 14.29%, see rank6.40%2.82%
Other Means0, 0.00%, see rank1.81%1.76%
Worked at Home0, 0.00%, see rank3.88%4.27%

Mean Travel Time to Work, see rank
Fowlerville, NY
14.9 minutes
New York
32.2 minutes
25.4 minutes
Ranks: 9 min. or less, 10-19 min., 20-29 min., 30-39 min., 40-59 min., 60-89 min., 90min. or more

ACS 2006-2010 data

 Fowlerville, NYNew YorkU.S.
Workers 16 Years and Over115, 100%8,815,965139,255,035
Car, Truck, or Van—Drove Alone95, 82.61%, see rank54.12%76.00%
Car, Truck, or Van—Carpooled0, 0.00%, see rank7.39%10.35%
Public Transportation0, 0.00%, see rank26.52%4.94%
Walked20, 17.39%, see rank6.32%2.85%
Other Means0, 0.00%, see rank1.80%1.72%
Worked at Home0, 0.00%, see rank3.84%4.14%

Mean Travel Time to Work, see rank
Fowlerville, NY
16.4 minutes
New York
32.0 minutes
25.3 minutes
Ranks: 9 min. or less, 10-19 min., 20-29 min., 30-39 min., 40-59 min., 60-89 min., 90min. or more

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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