Fielding, UT Historical Median Household Income by Races Data
ACS 2010-2014 data
| Fielding, UT | Utah | U.S. |
White | $53,750, see rank | $61,396 | $56,900 |
Hispanic | $4,750, see rank | $42,155 | $42,396 |
ACS 2008-2012 data
| Fielding, UT | Utah | U.S. |
White | $53,125, see rank | $59,541 | $56,203 |
Hispanic | $21,875, see rank | $42,037 | $41,994 |
ACS 2006-2010 data
| Fielding, UT | Utah | U.S. |
White | $49,896, see rank | $57,494 | $54,999 |
Hispanic | $55,833, see rank | $41,195 | $41,534 |
ACS 2005-2009 data
| Fielding, UT | Utah | U.S. |
White | $49,688, see rank | $56,705 | $54,535 |
US Census 2000 data
| Fielding, UT | Utah | U.S. |
White | $44,250, see rank | $46,638 | $44,687 |
Hispanic | $22,500, see rank | $35,981 | $33,676 |
Two or More Races | $28,750, see rank | $37,909 | $35,587 |
* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.