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Emerald Lakes, PA Historical Careers Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

 Emerald Lakes, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over1,1545,946,480143,435,233
Male1475, 41.16%, see rank51.67%52.38%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations237, 7.79%, see rank33.03%33.12%
Service Occupations273, 15.37%, see rank14.05%15.12%
Sales and Office Occupations2107, 22.53%, see rank16.97%17.47%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.64%1.11%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations2134, 28.21%, see rank8.62%9.29%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2107, 22.53%, see rank20.53%17.94%
Female1679, 58.84%, see rank48.33%47.62%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations288, 12.96%, see rank40.12%40.04%
Service Occupations2270, 39.76%, see rank21.25%21.52%
Sales and Office Occupations2189, 27.84%, see rank32.14%31.93%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.22%0.32%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations242, 6.19%, see rank0.22%0.28%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations290, 13.25%, see rank5.82%5.65%
1 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over for the gender.

 Emerald Lakes, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over1,154, 100%5,946,480143,435,233
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining12, 1.04%, see rank1.44%1.96%
Construction134, 11.61%, see rank5.71%6.17%
Manufacturing88, 7.63%, see rank12.19%10.43%
Wholesale Trade0, 0.00%, see rank2.81%2.75%
Retail Trade253, 21.92%, see rank11.77%11.57%
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities66, 5.72%, see rank5.07%4.93%
Information13, 1.13%, see rank1.74%2.14%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, Leasing52, 4.51%, see rank6.42%6.60%
Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, Waste Management Services
145, 12.56%, see rank9.76%10.89%
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance298, 25.82%, see rank25.97%23.21%
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation,
Accommodation, Food Services
33, 2.86%, see rank8.32%9.49%
Public Administration11, 0.95%, see rank4.15%4.92%
Other Services, Except Public Administration49, 4.25%, see rank4.65%4.96%

ACS 2008-2012 data

 Emerald Lakes, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over9675,930,125141,996,548
Male1442, 45.71%, see rank51.73%52.32%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations212, 2.71%, see rank32.75%32.75%
Service Occupations270, 15.84%, see rank13.69%14.76%
Sales and Office Occupations253, 11.99%, see rank17.07%17.65%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.60%1.11%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations2198, 44.80%, see rank9.00%9.75%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations275, 16.97%, see rank20.64%17.87%
Female1525, 54.29%, see rank48.27%47.68%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations2119, 22.67%, see rank39.30%39.35%
Service Occupations2131, 24.95%, see rank20.87%21.19%
Sales and Office Occupations2132, 25.14%, see rank33.02%32.82%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.20%0.30%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations243, 8.19%, see rank0.24%0.29%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2100, 19.05%, see rank6.11%5.77%
1 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over for the gender.

 Emerald Lakes, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over967, 100%5,930,125141,996,548
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining0, 0.00%, see rank1.32%1.90%
Construction202, 20.89%, see rank5.90%6.49%
Manufacturing178, 18.41%, see rank12.60%10.62%
Wholesale Trade0, 0.00%, see rank2.89%2.83%
Retail Trade79, 8.17%, see rank11.72%11.57%
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities59, 6.10%, see rank5.15%5.00%
Information17, 1.76%, see rank1.87%2.21%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, Leasing40, 4.14%, see rank6.46%6.74%
Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, Waste Management Services
42, 4.34%, see rank9.63%10.66%
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance217, 22.44%, see rank25.64%22.90%
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation,
Accommodation, Food Services
81, 8.38%, see rank8.00%9.18%
Public Administration11, 1.14%, see rank4.18%4.94%
Other Services, Except Public Administration41, 4.24%, see rank4.65%4.95%

ACS 2006-2010 data

 Emerald Lakes, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over1,3475,940,972141,833,331
Male1554, 41.13%, see rank52.04%52.63%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations222, 3.97%, see rank32.26%32.27%
Service Occupations244, 7.94%, see rank13.22%14.06%
Sales and Office Occupations294, 16.97%, see rank17.28%17.76%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.62%1.08%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations2168, 30.32%, see rank9.41%10.60%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations2172, 31.05%, see rank20.86%18.08%
Female1793, 58.87%, see rank47.96%47.37%
Management, Professional, and Related Occupations287, 10.97%, see rank38.43%38.62%
Service Occupations2258, 32.53%, see rank20.25%20.52%
Sales and Office Occupations2375, 47.29%, see rank34.16%33.85%
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.22%0.30%
Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations20, 0.00%, see rank0.27%0.34%
Production, Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations273, 9.21%, see rank6.39%6.07%
1 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the civilian employed, 16 years and over for the gender.

 Emerald Lakes, PAPennsylvaniaU.S.
Civilian Employed, 16 Years and Over1,347, 100%5,940,972141,833,331
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Mining0, 0.00%, see rank1.25%1.86%
Construction186, 13.81%, see rank6.20%7.13%
Manufacturing180, 13.36%, see rank12.98%10.99%
Wholesale Trade7, 0.52%, see rank3.10%3.06%
Retail Trade152, 11.28%, see rank11.68%11.49%
Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities98, 7.28%, see rank5.30%5.07%
Information26, 1.93%, see rank2.04%2.38%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental, Leasing106, 7.87%, see rank6.59%7.00%
Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, Waste Management Services
135, 10.02%, see rank9.52%10.42%
Educational Services, Health Care, Social Assistance253, 18.78%, see rank24.76%22.05%
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation,
Accommodation, Food Services
140, 10.39%, see rank7.77%8.86%
Public Administration11, 0.82%, see rank4.12%4.84%
Other Services, Except Public Administration53, 3.93%, see rank4.68%4.86%

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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