/ Illinois / Edgar County / Chrisman, IL / Population and Races / Historical Education Level Data
Chrisman, IL Historical Education Level Data
ACS 2010-2014 data
Total population: 1,389
Chrisman, IL | Illinois | U.S. | |
Total 25 Years and Over Population | 1,015, 100% | 8,560,555 | 209,056,129 |
Less Than High School | 85, 8.37%, see rank | 12.41% | 13.67% |
High School Graduate | 408, 40.20%, see rank | 27.01% | 27.95% |
Some College or Associate Degree | 410, 40.39%, see rank | 28.70% | 29.09% |
Bachelor Degree | 72, 7.09%, see rank | 19.72% | 18.27% |
Master, Doctorate, or Professional Degree | 40, 3.94%, see rank | 12.17% | 11.01% | Education Index# | 13.03, see rank | 13.72 | 13.54 |
# Higher Education Index means more educated population.
ACS 2008-2012 data
Total population: 1,320
Chrisman, IL | Illinois | U.S. | |
Total 25 Years and Over Population | 946, 100% | 8,459,947 | 204,336,017 |
Less Than High School | 135, 14.27%, see rank | 13.03% | 14.28% |
High School Graduate | 402, 42.49%, see rank | 27.20% | 28.24% |
Some College or Associate Degree | 305, 32.24%, see rank | 28.69% | 28.99% |
Bachelor Degree | 73, 7.72%, see rank | 19.30% | 17.88% |
Master, Doctorate, or Professional Degree | 31, 3.28%, see rank | 11.78% | 10.61% | Education Index# | 12.61, see rank | 13.65 | 13.47 |
# Higher Education Index means more educated population.
ACS 2006-2010 data
Total population: 1,229
Chrisman, IL | Illinois | U.S. | |
Total 25 Years and Over Population | 830, 100% | 8,345,982 | 199,726,659 |
Less Than High School | 88, 10.60%, see rank | 13.79% | 14.97% |
High School Graduate | 417, 50.24%, see rank | 27.85% | 28.99% |
Some College or Associate Degree | 218, 26.27%, see rank | 28.08% | 28.14% |
Bachelor Degree | 68, 8.19%, see rank | 18.86% | 17.60% |
Master, Doctorate, or Professional Degree | 39, 4.70%, see rank | 11.42% | 10.30% | Education Index# | 12.76, see rank | 13.56 | 13.39 |
# Higher Education Index means more educated population.
ACS 2005-2009 data
Total population: 1,264
Chrisman, IL | Illinois | U.S. | |
Total 25 Years and Over Population | 889, 100% | 8,309,322 | 197,440,772 |
Less Than High School | 97, 10.91%, see rank | 14.29% | 15.42% |
High School Graduate | 422, 47.47%, see rank | 28.09% | 29.31% |
Some College or Associate Degree | 233, 26.21%, see rank | 27.86% | 27.74% |
Bachelor Degree | 83, 9.34%, see rank | 18.56% | 17.42% |
Master, Doctorate, or Professional Degree | 54, 6.07%, see rank | 11.20% | 10.12% | Education Index# | 12.89, see rank | 13.51 | 13.34 |
# Higher Education Index means more educated population.
US Census 2000 data
Total population: 1,318
Chrisman, IL | Illinois | U.S. | |
Total 25 Years and Over Population | 980, 100% | 7,973,671 | 182,211,639 |
Less Than High School | 188, 19.18%, see rank | 18.57% | 19.60% |
High School Graduate | 365, 37.24%, see rank | 27.74% | 28.63% |
Some College or Associate Degree | 285, 29.08%, see rank | 27.63% | 27.37% |
Bachelor Degree | 115, 11.73%, see rank | 16.52% | 15.54% |
Master, Doctorate, or Professional Degree | 27, 2.76%, see rank | 9.54% | 8.86% | Education Index# | 12.48, see rank | 13.14 | 13.01 |
# Higher Education Index means more educated population.
* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.