Carlos, MN School District
3 school districts were found that covered Carlos, MN. The major school district for Carlos, MN is Alexandria Public School District.
Alexandria Public School District (6.7 miles) major school district for the area
1410 Mckay Ave South
Alexandria, MN 56308
phone: 320-762-2141
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
1410 Mckay Ave South
Alexandria, MN 56308
phone: 320-762-2141
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
9 Schools Students: 3,936 Teachers: 244.50 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.10
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Osakis Public School District (10.9 miles)
500 1st Ave East
Osakis, MN 56360
phone: 320-859-2191
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
500 1st Ave East
Osakis, MN 56360
phone: 320-859-2191
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
2 Schools Students: 874 Teachers: 54.30 Student-Teacher Ratio: 16.10
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
Eagle Valley Public School District (18.0 miles)
405 Main St West
Eagle Bend, MN 56446
phone: 218-756-3631
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
405 Main St West
Eagle Bend, MN 56446
phone: 218-756-3631
Regular Local School District Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 12
2 Schools Students: 272 Teachers: 22.27 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.21
High School: Elementary/Middle School:
High School: Elementary/Middle School: