Berkshire County Historical Marital Status Data
ACS 2010-2014 data
Total population: 130,064
Berkshire County | % | Massachusetts | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 110,814 | see rank | 5,509,044 | 252,974,135 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 52,976 | 100%, see rank | 2,637,974 | 123,281,364 |
Never Married | 18,802 | 35.49%, see rank | 38.70% | 35.77% |
Married | 25,906 | 48.90%, see rank | 50.79% | 52.04% |
Widowed | 2,006 | 3.79%, see rank | 2.59% | 2.57% |
Divorced | 6,262 | 11.82%, see rank | 7.92% | 9.62% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 57,838 | 100%, see rank | 2,871,070 | 129,692,771 |
Never Married | 16,766 | 28.99%, see rank | 33.46% | 29.48% |
Married | 25,989 | 44.93%, see rank | 46.69% | 49.19% |
Widowed | 6,546 | 11.32%, see rank | 8.86% | 9.16% |
Divorced | 8,537 | 14.76%, see rank | 10.99% | 12.16% |
ACS 2008-2012 data
Total population: 130,866
Berkshire County | % | Massachusetts | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 110,823 | see rank | 5,403,605 | 248,042,237 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 52,839 | 100%, see rank | 2,583,839 | 120,789,875 |
Never Married | 18,982 | 35.92%, see rank | 37.98% | 35.08% |
Married | 25,933 | 49.08%, see rank | 51.54% | 52.93% |
Widowed | 2,084 | 3.94%, see rank | 2.66% | 2.53% |
Divorced | 5,840 | 11.05%, see rank | 7.82% | 9.46% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 57,984 | 100%, see rank | 2,819,766 | 127,252,362 |
Never Married | 16,527 | 28.50%, see rank | 32.73% | 28.74% |
Married | 26,206 | 45.20%, see rank | 47.20% | 49.95% |
Widowed | 7,090 | 12.23%, see rank | 9.20% | 9.34% |
Divorced | 8,161 | 14.07%, see rank | 10.87% | 11.97% |
ACS 2006-2010 data
Total population: 131,528
Berkshire County | % | Massachusetts | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 110,753 | see rank | 5,311,242 | 243,073,468 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 52,641 | 100%, see rank | 2,536,607 | 118,264,295 |
Never Married | 18,428 | 35.01%, see rank | 37.52% | 34.21% |
Married | 26,395 | 50.14%, see rank | 52.28% | 54.02% |
Widowed | 2,018 | 3.83%, see rank | 2.63% | 2.52% |
Divorced | 5,800 | 11.02%, see rank | 7.57% | 9.25% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 58,112 | 100%, see rank | 2,774,635 | 124,809,173 |
Never Married | 16,293 | 28.04%, see rank | 32.04% | 27.93% |
Married | 26,813 | 46.14%, see rank | 48.03% | 50.85% |
Widowed | 7,197 | 12.38%, see rank | 9.48% | 9.55% |
Divorced | 7,809 | 13.44%, see rank | 10.45% | 11.66% |
ACS 2005-2009 data
Total population: 130,168
Berkshire County | % | Massachusetts | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 109,297 | see rank | 5,324,962 | 240,146,935 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 51,967 | 100%, see rank | 2,553,193 | 117,166,601 |
Never Married | 18,002 | 34.64%, see rank | 37.73% | 34.13% |
Married | 26,600 | 51.19%, see rank | 51.99% | 54.15% |
Widowed | 1,713 | 3.30%, see rank | 2.64% | 2.53% |
Divorced | 5,652 | 10.88%, see rank | 7.64% | 9.19% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 57,330 | 100%, see rank | 2,771,769 | 122,980,334 |
Never Married | 15,586 | 27.19%, see rank | 32.05% | 27.67% |
Married | 27,157 | 47.37%, see rank | 47.70% | 50.88% |
Widowed | 7,262 | 12.67%, see rank | 9.84% | 9.85% |
Divorced | 7,325 | 12.78%, see rank | 10.41% | 11.60% |
US Census 2000 data
Total population: 134,953
Berkshire County | % | Massachusetts | U.S. | |
15 Years and Over Total | 110,369 | see rank | 5,091,369 | 221,148,671 |
Males, 15 Years and Over | 52,000 | 100%, see rank | 2,412,349 | 107,027,405 |
Never Married | 15,368 | 29.55%, see rank | 33.91% | 30.26% |
Married | 30,207 | 58.09%, see rank | 56.38% | 58.58% |
Widowed | 1,695 | 3.26%, see rank | 2.73% | 2.52% |
Divorced | 4,730 | 9.10%, see rank | 6.99% | 8.65% |
Females, 15 Years and Over | 58,369 | 100%, see rank | 2,679,020 | 114,121,266 |
Never Married | 13,579 | 23.26%, see rank | 28.50% | 24.13% |
Married | 30,316 | 51.94%, see rank | 51.23% | 54.60% |
Widowed | 7,691 | 13.18%, see rank | 10.78% | 10.49% |
Divorced | 6,783 | 11.62%, see rank | 9.50% | 10.78% |
* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.