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USA.com / Massachusetts / Berkshire County / Population and Races / Historical Marital Status Data

Berkshire County Historical Marital Status Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

Total population: 130,064

 Berkshire County%MassachusettsU.S.
15 Years and Over Total110,814see rank5,509,044252,974,135
Males, 15 Years and Over52,976100%, see rank2,637,974123,281,364
Never Married18,80235.49%, see rank38.70%35.77%
Married25,90648.90%, see rank50.79%52.04%
Widowed2,0063.79%, see rank2.59%2.57%
Divorced6,26211.82%, see rank7.92%9.62%
Females, 15 Years and Over57,838100%, see rank2,871,070129,692,771
Never Married16,76628.99%, see rank33.46%29.48%
Married25,98944.93%, see rank46.69%49.19%
Widowed6,54611.32%, see rank8.86%9.16%
Divorced8,53714.76%, see rank10.99%12.16%

ACS 2008-2012 data

Total population: 130,866

 Berkshire County%MassachusettsU.S.
15 Years and Over Total110,823see rank5,403,605248,042,237
Males, 15 Years and Over52,839100%, see rank2,583,839120,789,875
Never Married18,98235.92%, see rank37.98%35.08%
Married25,93349.08%, see rank51.54%52.93%
Widowed2,0843.94%, see rank2.66%2.53%
Divorced5,84011.05%, see rank7.82%9.46%
Females, 15 Years and Over57,984100%, see rank2,819,766127,252,362
Never Married16,52728.50%, see rank32.73%28.74%
Married26,20645.20%, see rank47.20%49.95%
Widowed7,09012.23%, see rank9.20%9.34%
Divorced8,16114.07%, see rank10.87%11.97%

ACS 2006-2010 data

Total population: 131,528

 Berkshire County%MassachusettsU.S.
15 Years and Over Total110,753see rank5,311,242243,073,468
Males, 15 Years and Over52,641100%, see rank2,536,607118,264,295
Never Married18,42835.01%, see rank37.52%34.21%
Married26,39550.14%, see rank52.28%54.02%
Widowed2,0183.83%, see rank2.63%2.52%
Divorced5,80011.02%, see rank7.57%9.25%
Females, 15 Years and Over58,112100%, see rank2,774,635124,809,173
Never Married16,29328.04%, see rank32.04%27.93%
Married26,81346.14%, see rank48.03%50.85%
Widowed7,19712.38%, see rank9.48%9.55%
Divorced7,80913.44%, see rank10.45%11.66%

ACS 2005-2009 data

Total population: 130,168

 Berkshire County%MassachusettsU.S.
15 Years and Over Total109,297see rank5,324,962240,146,935
Males, 15 Years and Over51,967100%, see rank2,553,193117,166,601
Never Married18,00234.64%, see rank37.73%34.13%
Married26,60051.19%, see rank51.99%54.15%
Widowed1,7133.30%, see rank2.64%2.53%
Divorced5,65210.88%, see rank7.64%9.19%
Females, 15 Years and Over57,330100%, see rank2,771,769122,980,334
Never Married15,58627.19%, see rank32.05%27.67%
Married27,15747.37%, see rank47.70%50.88%
Widowed7,26212.67%, see rank9.84%9.85%
Divorced7,32512.78%, see rank10.41%11.60%

US Census 2000 data

Total population: 134,953

 Berkshire County%MassachusettsU.S.
15 Years and Over Total110,369see rank5,091,369221,148,671
Males, 15 Years and Over52,000100%, see rank2,412,349107,027,405
Never Married15,36829.55%, see rank33.91%30.26%
Married30,20758.09%, see rank56.38%58.58%
Widowed1,6953.26%, see rank2.73%2.52%
Divorced4,7309.10%, see rank6.99%8.65%
Females, 15 Years and Over58,369100%, see rank2,679,020114,121,266
Never Married13,57923.26%, see rank28.50%24.13%
Married30,31651.94%, see rank51.23%54.60%
Widowed7,69113.18%, see rank10.78%10.49%
Divorced6,78311.62%, see rank9.50%10.78%

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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