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USA.com / Missouri / Nodaway County / Barnard, MO / Population and Races / Historical Place of Birth and Citizenship Data

Barnard, MO Historical Place of Birth and Citizenship Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

Total population: 276

 Barnard, MO%MissouriU.S.
Native276100.00%, see rank96.09%86.93%
Born in the State of Residence21878.99%, see rank66.16%58.73%
Born in Different State5821.01%, see rank29.26%26.78%
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island Areas,
or Born Abroad to American Parent(s)
00.00%, see rank0.67%1.42%
Foreign Born00.00%, see rank3.91%13.07%
Foreign Born with U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank1.71%5.99%
Foreign Born without U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank2.21%7.09%
Born In Europe00.00%, see rank0.81%1.53%
Born In Asia00.00%, see rank1.44%3.82%
Born In Africa00.00%, see rank0.32%0.55%
Born In Oceania00.00%, see rank0.06%0.07%
Born In Latin America00.00%, see rank1.18%6.83%
Born In Northern America00.00%, see rank0.10%0.26%

ACS 2008-2012 data

Total population: 243

 Barnard, MO%MissouriU.S.
Native243100.00%, see rank96.14%87.13%
Born in the State of Residence17973.66%, see rank66.14%58.71%
Born in Different State6024.69%, see rank29.35%27.04%
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island Areas,
or Born Abroad to American Parent(s)
41.65%, see rank0.65%1.38%
Foreign Born00.00%, see rank3.86%12.87%
Foreign Born with U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank1.62%5.71%
Foreign Born without U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank2.25%7.16%
Born In Europe00.00%, see rank0.84%1.56%
Born In Asia00.00%, see rank1.39%3.67%
Born In Africa00.00%, see rank0.31%0.51%
Born In Oceania00.00%, see rank0.06%0.07%
Born In Latin America00.00%, see rank1.17%6.79%
Born In Northern America00.00%, see rank0.10%0.26%

ACS 2006-2010 data

Total population: 201

 Barnard, MO%MissouriU.S.
Native201100.00%, see rank96.34%87.28%
Born in the State of Residence15175.12%, see rank66.09%58.66%
Born in Different State4723.38%, see rank29.63%27.28%
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island Areas,
or Born Abroad to American Parent(s)
31.49%, see rank0.61%1.33%
Foreign Born00.00%, see rank3.66%12.72%
Foreign Born with U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank1.53%5.48%
Foreign Born without U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank2.13%7.24%
Born In Europe00.00%, see rank0.83%1.59%
Born In Asia00.00%, see rank1.28%3.54%
Born In Africa00.00%, see rank0.25%0.48%
Born In Oceania00.00%, see rank0.04%0.07%
Born In Latin America00.00%, see rank1.15%6.77%
Born In Northern America00.00%, see rank0.11%0.27%

ACS 2005-2009 data

Total population: 210

 Barnard, MO%MissouriU.S.
Native210100.00%, see rank96.46%87.61%
Born in the State of Residence15774.76%, see rank66.39%58.98%
Born in Different State4923.33%, see rank29.45%27.35%
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island Areas,
or Born Abroad to American Parent(s)
41.90%, see rank0.61%1.29%
Foreign Born00.00%, see rank3.54%12.39%
Foreign Born with U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank1.49%5.28%
Foreign Born without U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank2.05%7.11%
Born In Europe00.00%, see rank0.86%1.64%
Born In Asia00.00%, see rank1.19%3.34%
Born In Africa00.00%, see rank0.25%0.46%
Born In Oceania00.00%, see rank0.03%0.07%
Born In Latin America00.00%, see rank1.11%6.60%
Born In Northern America00.00%, see rank0.10%0.28%

US Census 2000 data

Total population: 257

 Barnard, MO%MissouriU.S.
Native22185.99%, see rank97.30%88.95%
Born in the State of Residence16865.37%, see rank67.78%59.96%
Born in Different State5320.62%, see rank28.96%27.74%
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island Areas,
or Born Abroad to American Parent(s)
00.00%, see rank0.56%1.25%
Foreign Born00.00%, see rank2.70%11.05%
Foreign Born with U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank1.10%4.46%
Foreign Born without U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank1.60%6.60%
Born In Europe00.00%, see rank0.77%1.75%
Born In Asia00.00%, see rank0.94%2.92%
Born In Africa00.00%, see rank0.15%0.31%
Born In Oceania00.00%, see rank0.03%0.06%
Born In Latin America00.00%, see rank0.70%5.72%
Born In Northern America00.00%, see rank0.11%0.29%

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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