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USA.com / Iowa / New Hartford, IA / 50660 / Housing / Historical House Occupancy Status Data

50660 Zip Code Historical House Occupancy Status Data


ACS 2010-2014 data

 50660 Zip CodeIowaU.S.
Total Housing Units619, see rank, 100%1,348,151132,741,033
Occupied Housing Units587, 94.83%, see rank91.40%87.55%
Owner Occupied499, 80.61%, see rank65.64%56.34%
Renter Occupied88, 14.22%, see rank25.76%31.21%
Vacant Housing Units32, 5.17%, see rank8.60%12.45%
For Rent6, 0.97%, see rank1.72%2.34%
For Sale Only6, 0.97%, see rank1.16%1.20%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank0.79%0.92%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use0, 0.00%, see rank1.48%3.97%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.03%
Other Vacant20, 3.23%, see rank3.45%4.00%

US Census 2010 data

 50660 Zip CodeIowaU.S.
Total Housing Units548, see rank, 100%1,336,417131,704,730
Occupied Housing Units515, 93.98%, see rank91.41%88.62%
Owner Occupied428, 78.10%, see rank65.90%57.69%
Renter Occupied87, 15.88%, see rank25.51%30.93%
Vacant Housing Units33, 6.02%, see rank8.59%11.38%
For Rent5, 0.91%, see rank2.38%3.14%
For Sale Only2, 0.36%, see rank1.38%1.44%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied5, 0.91%, see rank0.55%0.48%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use3, 0.55%, see rank1.57%3.53%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.02%
Other Vacant18, 3.28%, see rank2.71%2.77%

ACS 2008-2012 data

 50660 Zip CodeIowaU.S.
Total Housing Units592, see rank, 100%1,337,410131,642,457
Occupied Housing Units560, 94.59%, see rank91.48%87.53%
Owner Occupied463, 78.21%, see rank66.42%57.34%
Renter Occupied97, 16.39%, see rank25.06%30.19%
Vacant Housing Units32, 5.41%, see rank8.52%12.47%
For Rent0, 0.00%, see rank1.74%2.50%
For Sale Only5, 0.84%, see rank1.30%1.38%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied0, 0.00%, see rank0.70%0.91%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use0, 0.00%, see rank1.39%3.81%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.03%
Other Vacant27, 4.56%, see rank3.38%3.84%

US Census 2000 data

 50660 Zip CodeIowaU.S.
Total Housing Units517, see rank, 100%1,232,511115,904,641
Occupied Housing Units499, 96.52%, see rank93.25%91.01%
Owner Occupied407, 78.72%, see rank67.46%60.24%
Renter Occupied92, 17.79%, see rank25.79%30.77%
Vacant Housing Units18, 3.48%, see rank6.75%8.99%
For Rent4, 0.77%, see rank1.89%2.26%
For Sale Only3, 0.58%, see rank1.14%1.04%
Rented or Sold, Not Occupied4, 0.77%, see rank0.60%0.61%
For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use4, 0.77%, see rank1.34%3.09%
For Migrant Workers0, 0.00%, see rank0.01%0.02%
Other Vacant3, 0.58%, see rank1.78%1.98%

* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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