35672 Zip Code Historical Race Data
ACS 2010-2014 data Total population: 5,950
White: 4,229 (71.08%, see rank ) Black: 1,011 (16.99%, see rank ) Hispanic: 52 (0.87%, see rank ) Asian: 9 (0.15%, see rank ) Native (American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian Native, etc.): 327 (5.50%, see rank ) One Race, Other: 10 (0.17%, see rank ) Two or More Races: 364 (6.12%, see rank )
71.08 16.99 0.87 0.15 5.5 0.17 6.12 69.08 26.36 3.98 1.21 0.55 1.22 1.59 73.81 12.6 16.9 5 0.99 4.7 2.91 35672 Zip Code Alabama U.S. White Black Hispanic Asian Native One Race, Other Two or More Race 0 20 40 60 80 % of the Total Population
US Census 2010 data Total population: 6,445
White: 4,511 (69.99%, see rank ) Black: 1,127 (17.49%, see rank ) Hispanic: 133 (2.06%, see rank ) Asian: 1 (0.02%, see rank ) Native (American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian Native, etc.): 431 (6.69%, see rank ) One Race, Other: 80 (1.24%, see rank ) Two or More Races: 295 (4.58%, see rank )
69.99 17.49 2.06 0.02 6.69 1.24 4.58 68.53 26.18 3.88 1.12 0.65 2.03 1.49 72.41 12.61 16.35 4.75 1.12 6.19 2.92 35672 Zip Code Alabama U.S. White Black Hispanic Asian Native One Race, Other Two or More Race 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 % of the Total Population
ACS 2008-2012 data Total population: 6,293
White: 4,521 (71.84%, see rank ) Black: 1,105 (17.56%, see rank ) Hispanic: 49 (0.78%, see rank ) Asian: 19 (0.30%, see rank ) Native (American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian Native, etc.): 357 (5.67%, see rank ) One Race, Other: 9 (0.14%, see rank ) Two or More Races: 282 (4.48%, see rank )
71.84 17.56 0.78 0.3 5.67 0.14 4.48 69.52 26.29 3.82 1.15 0.57 1.06 1.4 74.17 12.56 16.35 4.81 0.98 4.79 2.68 35672 Zip Code Alabama U.S. White Black Hispanic Asian Native One Race, Other Two or More Race 0 20 40 60 80 % of the Total Population
US Census 2000 data Total population: 6,568
White: 4,585 (69.81%, see rank ) Black: 1,327 (20.20%, see rank ) Hispanic: 96 (1.46%, see rank ) Asian: 2 (0.03%, see rank ) Native (American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian Native, etc.): 422 (6.43%, see rank ) One Race, Other: 40 (0.61%, see rank ) Two or More Races: 192 (2.92%, see rank )
69.81 20.2 1.46 0.03 6.43 0.61 2.92 71.12 25.99 1.71 0.7 0.54 0.65 0.99 75.14 12.32 12.55 3.64 1.02 5.46 2.43 35672 Zip Code Alabama U.S. White Black Hispanic Asian Native One Race, Other Two or More Race 0 20 40 60 80 % of the Total Population
* ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.